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Ariel (Disney) News & Breaking Stories

Playing a non-conforming hero challenged Chloë Grace Moretz in 'Nimona'
  • 1st Jul 2023

Playing a non-conforming hero challenged Chloë Grace Moretz in 'Nimona'

Netflix's new animated film Nimona, based on a celebrated graphic novel, features a gender-nonconforming superhero who helps LGBTQ individuals feel seen. The film's directors and actors aimed to treat LGBTQ themes truthfully and honestly, resulting in an overt love story and the representation of queer characters. The film's creators hope that young viewers who need to see these stories will find a way to watch it.

What news can we find under Ariel (Disney) News Section?

The Magical World of Ariel in Disney

Ever wondered about the enchanting world beneath the ocean's surface, where mermaids twirl amidst coral reefs and mischievous sea creatures keep things tumultuous? A place which has permeated millions of house-holds through its colorful animation, expressive storytelling, complex characters, engaging songs? Where could we possibly find this undersea wonderland you ask? Well let's dive in to Disney’s The Little Mermaid, focusing on everyone’s favorite fiery-haired princess Ariel.

First off, who is Ariel? For those that may not already know her vivacious character. She is a red-headed teenager from an ambitious play in Disney's imagination pool. Full of curiosity—sometimes causing trouble—and gifted with one heck of a voice! Did you realise she was actually inspired by real-life people? Alyssa Milano (the actress) and Sherri Stoner (writer/actress) were key inspirations behind her relatable personality and physical design respectively.

The Latest Goss On Everything Ariel!

You might be wondering-"what kind of news content can I find on Disney's Ariel?" Just Swim into YouTube or any major entertainment website and scroll down their 'Disney' sections. Their articles typically discuss Ariel as seen in different platforms-dolls plus toys featuring our beloved mermaid continue to float across stores around the globe. Spin-off TV shows- remember 'The Little Mermaid: The Animated Series'? Sequels such as ‘The little Mermaid II’ developed her story further with aerial stepping up as momma-mermaid herself!

In recent times even celebrity artists have been swept away by this half-girl-half-fish tale - for instance Halle Bailey will breathe life into Ariels fishtail in the upcoming live-action version.This new adaptation hints at presenting a more culturally diverse cast - how exciting!

Riding The Waves With More Than Movies!

Bonus News! Ever considered being part of creating many-a-childhoods joyous memories? In Disneyland parks worldwide - roles range from portraying Arial during parades to becoming theme-park staff . Opportunities aplenty exists for professionals aiming to work within musical theatre/entertainment sectors.

To finalize:

Every now-and-then—especially when feeling just a little whimsical why won't we all dig into some light-hearted content uncovering what makes up these animated heroes that have vividly painted our childhood canvas; Starting with layer upon layer dedicated solely towards Disneys very own vibrant embodimentof rebellion & courage-Arial!"

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