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Aquaman 2 diminishes Amber Heard role to 11 lines, grunts and laugh

Amber Heard's role in the "Aquaman" sequel is minimized, with less screen time and dialogue, despite being a lead character.

Amber Heard is set to reprise her role as Mera in the upcoming "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom," but fans might be disappointed by the limited amount of screen time and character development she receives in the sequel.

In the 2018 "Aquaman" film, Mera played a significant role as the love interest of the titular character, Aquaman, portrayed by Jason Momoa. However, in the upcoming sequel, her character has been relegated to a tertiary role, with minimal dialogue and limited appearances on screen.

During a defamation trial against her former husband, Johnny Depp, Heard testified that her role in the sequel was significantly reduced, and some of her action scenes were removed. However, Warner Bros.' former president of DC Films, Walter Hamada, denied these claims, stating that Heard was never intended to be a co-lead in the sequel.

According to reports, several scenes featuring Heard's character were cut from the film, including a fight with the villain Black Manta and a love scene with Aquaman. Her total screen time is estimated to be around 15 to 20 minutes, with only 11 brief speaking parts throughout the movie.

Mera's role in "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" lacks depth and complexity, with minimal character development and interactions with other characters. Her presence in the film feels contractual, fulfilling her three-movie deal with Warner Bros., rather than making a meaningful contribution to the storyline.

Heard's character is largely silent and underutilized, with limited dialogue and minimal interaction with other characters, including Aquaman. Her role in the film lacks the depth and meaningful conversations that were present in the first "Aquaman" movie.

Despite being a powerful character with unique abilities, Mera's role in the sequel feels diminished and lacking in substance. Her interactions with Aquaman and other characters are limited, and her character arc is underdeveloped.

While the film focuses on Aquaman's relationship with his estranged brother, Orm, and his bond with other characters, Mera's role in the storyline is sidelined, and her potential as a co-lead is not fully realized.

Overall, Amber Heard's portrayal of Mera in "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" is a missed opportunity to explore the complexities of her character and her relationship with the other characters in the film. Despite her limited screen time, Heard's performance as Mera remains a significant part of the film, and her presence adds depth to the overall narrative.

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