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Automatic transmission News & Breaking Stories

New Toyota Land Cruiser Prado: Say Hello to the Highly-Anticipated Release
  • 2nd Aug 2023

New Toyota Land Cruiser Prado: Say Hello to the Highly-Anticipated Release

Toyota has officially unveiled the all-new Land Cruiser Prado, which will be sold in the US as the Land Cruiser 250. The SUV features two distinct front facias and is based on Toyota's body-on-frame TNGA-F platform. It measures 4,925 mm long and has been made 50% more rigid than its predecessor. The Prado will be available with a range of engine options, including a 2.7-litre petrol, a 2.4-litre turbo petrol and a 2.8-litre turbodiesel. The Land Cruiser Prado is expected to go on sale in South Africa in the first half of 2024.

What news can we find under Automatic transmission News Section?

Automatic Transmission: News You Can Use

You might wonder, "What's exciting in the world of automatic transmissions? Isn't that a relatively static part of my car?" Well, you're in for a surprise! The breath-taking innovation taking place under this topic is nothing short of marvelous.

The realm of automatic transmission technology has seen exponential growth over the past couple of years - it’s as if someone just put pedal to the metal! For instance, did you know that automakers are consistently challenging norms by increasing gear ratios? That's right. Some manufacturers like Ford and General Motors have already launched vehicles with 10-speed automatic transmissions. Imagine having more gears than fingers on your hand!

It's not just about creating additional gear ratios though. Ever heard of Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)? It's basically an elegant ballet ...only instead dancers gliding seamlessly from one move into another – here we have engine speeds and loads shifting smoothly without any noticeable steps or shifts in gears.

The industry isn’t hitting the brakes on advancements either; rather it’s moving up a gear when it comes to integrating AI with automatic transmission systems. Advanced software algorithms combined with smart thinking are enhancing fuel efficiency and overall ride quality while ensuring optimal selection between plethora choices available.

Intrigued yet? None of these really cause for revving excitement? Then perhaps brace yourselves for rogue wave coming- hybrids and electric vehicles are changing game fundamentally-- forcing us rethink our traditional notions what role 'an auto' truly plays today’s growingly eco-conscious market.

Kick into High Gear

New techs popping up faster than hood rat races ‘downtown Friday nights’, serves remember continual evolution hallmark success whatever form may take—be V6 punching out horsepower, whisper-silent electric motor humming efficiency blissful hybrid strutting both worlds equal style grace…. Buckle because journey towards future accelerating at thrilling speed… tread carefully path forward fascinating unpredictable…just how love Yep!', 'The road ahead certainly looks enticing filled promise exhilarating change.': ''}}

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