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Essence (magazine) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Essence (magazine) News Section?

What's Buzzing in Essence Magazine?

Hey there, reader! Ever wonder where you can scoop up the juiciest stories and trends related to African American culture? Well, let me give you the lowdown on Essence magazine. It's not just any publication; it has become a cultural beacon since its inception in 1970, chronicling the joys, struggles, and triumphs of Black women.

Digging into style, have you got your fashion game face on? Essence's pages are spilling with gorgeous photoshoots and articles featuring high-fashion trends blended beautifully with everyday wearability. They don't stop at attire - oh no! Your hair journey could be revolutionized by taking cues from their hairstyle features that span from protective styles to bold color experimentation.

But wait – it’s not all about looks here! The proverbial pen in Essence also scribes some serious discussions. Can we talk about power moves for a second? This mag dives deep into career advice suited for those climbing corporate ladders or building business empires right from scratch. Do financial tips pique your interest? You bet they’re covered extensively!

Lifting Voices In Every Issue!

Now here's something quite special – Ese](magazine)

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