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Franchising News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Franchising News Section?

A Deep Dive Into Franchising News

Are you interested in the vast world of franchising? Or perhaps considering opening your own franchise? If so, then buckle up! It's time to dive into an overview of what sort of news content you can expect to find on this topic.

You may ask, 'what's all the fuss about franchising?' Well, think about it like a relay race. Would you rather start from scratch or jump in with a running start given by someone else who already handle some parts of the business puzzle?

Unveiling Big-Name Franchise Developments

The one thing that never changes is change itself and big-name franchises know this best. Follow industry giants for updates on how they're constantly shifting gears. You'll see novelties—like McDonald’s testing plant-based menu items or Subway offering drive-thrus—but also stories regarding lawsuits and controversies.

Navigating Legislative Changes

Familiar with the back-and-forth between labor advocates and employers over whether fast-food corporations should be considered "joint employers" of workers at their franchised locations? Expect insightful articles around such pivotal legislation matters that impact both franchisors and franchisees broadly.

Gaining Market Insights through Success Stories & Failures

Ever heard anecdotes about people retiring after owning several successful restaurant chains' branches? "Easy peesy," some might say. On flip side, there are tales more somber too; companies nose-diving outta thin air even before taking off properly.

Exploring Emerging Trends

Newly emerging sectors like home-healthcare franchises are flourishing these days under Covid-19 impacts. Keep an eye-out for pieces dissecting these trends as they may hint towards novel opportunities!

To wrap it up,
the landscape of news surrounding said theme is riveting yet profound - just like walking through an art museum styled by Picasso himself! Are you ready to broaden your perspective?

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