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Outcry McDonalds 5 dollar meal deal surpasses expectations

Customers criticize McDonald's for $5 meal deal actually costing up to $13, leading to confusion and outrage on social media.

Customers have expressed frustration with McDonald's after discovering that the chain's '$5 meal deal' is actually priced as high as $13 in certain locations. The fast-food giant introduced the summer offer to provide customers with 'meaningful value,' but many were quick to point out the discrepancies in pricing.

Social media was flooded with screenshots showing prices well above the advertised $5 deal, with some customers paying $6.67 or even $13 for the standard meal. McDonald's is currently investigating these price variations and ensuring that franchisees adhere to nationally advertised prices.

One customer, Pete Macy, was shocked to see his meal priced at more than double the advertised amount. After reaching out to McDonald's, the company began responding to customer complaints and investigating the issue to prevent customers from being overcharged.

Other customers, such as Meghan Porro, also shared their confusion over the pricing discrepancies. Despite the advertised $5 meal, many ended up paying closer to $7, leading to frustration and disappointment among patrons.

The chain's decision to allow some restaurants with higher costs to charge more, along with the addition of tax, may explain prices in the $6.30 range. However, prices as high as $13 remain unexplained, causing further outrage among customers.

While some customers expressed satisfaction with the $5 meal deal, others criticized McDonald's for false advertising and misleading pricing. The promotion is set to continue for roughly a month, with the company striving to combat the perception that its prices have increased significantly.

McDonald's, which made a staggering $14.5 billion profit last year, is facing scrutiny over its pricing strategy and value proposition. Despite claims from the company's president that price increases have been modest, customers remain skeptical of the chain's commitment to providing affordable options.

Overall, the controversy surrounding McDonald's '$5 meal deal' highlights the importance of transparency and consistency in pricing, as well as the need for companies to uphold their advertised values to maintain customer trust and loyalty.

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