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FXX News & Breaking Stories

Disney Charter Agreement Ends ESPN ABC Blackout
  • 12th Sep 2023

Disney Charter Agreement Ends ESPN ABC Blackout

Charter Communications will include Disney+ in its Spectrum TV Select offering, and ESPN+ in its Spectrum TV Plus package. The deal aims to combine traditional TV and online viewing in a mutually beneficial way. Charter's 14.7 million customers will regain access to popular Disney channels, and Disney will receive increased fees for its channels. Customers will receive more value for their money, and Charter will market Disney streaming services to its broadband-only customers.

CNBC Reports Disney and Charter Communications Dispute Settled
  • 11th Sep 2023

CNBC Reports Disney and Charter Communications Dispute Settled

Disney and Charter Communications have reached a deal to end their distribution dispute, which resulted in ESPN, ABC, and Disney Channel being pulled from Spectrum cable service. The agreement includes a discounted wholesale price for subscribers for Disney streaming services.

Decoding the Intricate and Extensive Cancellation Saga of Futurama
  • 24th Jul 2023

Decoding the Intricate and Extensive Cancellation Saga of Futurama

Futurama, the animated series, is returning for another revival on Hulu, marking its third platform. The show has had a total of four series finales, but continues to be revived due to its popularity and dedicated fan base. The new season will premiere on July 24, 2023, with 20 episodes planned.

What news can we find under FXX News Section?

Delving Into the Rich World of FXX: Your Source for Compelling Content

Greetings, folks! Have you ever double-clicked your remote on channel FXX? Do you even know what's lurking under that topic? Well, buckle up because we're about to explore a part of TV-land rarely visited by many. Yes, dive into the distinctive content carried by FXX!

FXX is mostly known as a treasure trove (think Aladdin’s magical cave), housing reruns of popular syndicated shows like "The Simpsons," "Family Guy," and more mature audience-focused comedies such as "Archer."

Ooh – did anyone else get a chill thinking about watching episodes after episodes of our favourite Springfield residents 24/7? Just me?

The network also showcases original series such as the critically acclaimed dramatic comedy 'You’re on top if I’m lying'—'It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,'" widely loved for its outrageously irreverent writing and characters.

Let's not forget about other works like the critical darling-comedy series “Fargo,” which released its fourth season this year featuring Chris Rock in his first serious role.

Moving beyond TV series and sitcoms, one can also find movies from FXM (FX Movie Channel) sneaked into their schedule showcasing some impressive blockbusters.

Can't help but mention their late-night animation programming block styled "Cake", offering unique binges filled with creative yet quirky animated shorts benefiting all cartoon lovers.

So what are we saying here?

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right? Where there may be channels heading towards relative obscurity due to lack digital traffic or declining cable viewership,< strong>FXX thrives confidently with its bold blend of quality content catering to all taste-buds.

Movies?No problem.Anime or Animated shorts?Sure thing. Comedies?We've got tons! Original Series? “Always” betting high!

This station surely serves up an unforgettable smorgasbord worth diving deep into.
The wild rides that happen every time you flip onto FXX make sure no room for boredom exists anywhere near your couch!

Peek inside this underrated gem today! Could just teleport yourself somewhere new effortlessly!

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