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Nintendo News & Breaking Stories

Charles Martinet, voice of Mario, to step back from role
  • 21st Aug 2023

Charles Martinet, voice of Mario, to step back from role

Mario voice actor Charles Martinet is stepping down from his iconic role after nearly 30 years, according to Nintendo. Martinet will transition into a new role as "Mario Ambassador." The future of Mario's vocal identity is uncertain.

Baldur's Gate 3 Released, Already Disrupting Steam
  • 3rd Aug 2023

Baldur's Gate 3 Released, Already Disrupting Steam

The launch of Baldur's Gate 3 has caused major server issues on Steam, indicating its popularity. The game's messy launch and lack of preloads have caused delays in gameplay. The PlayStation 5 edition will release on September 6, while the Xbox version may not launch until next year.

What news can we find under Nintendo News Section?

The World of Nintendo: What's New?

So you've got your gaming controller at the ready and a cup of hot cocoa steaming on the table beside you. Now, what could be swirling around in the world of Nintendo? Well, we've got quite a lot to unpack here!

To kick things off, how about delving into new game releases? You know that feeling when it's like Christmas morning with every new release? In recent times, there have been regular announcements about innovative titles coming our way. These include sequels to fan-favorite franchises as well as original games that are sure to capture hearts across the globe.

Now, imagine this - Mario juiced up on Bowser’s Fury or Link dazzling us once more in Breath of The Wild sequel! Exciting stuff right? And let’s not forget; we also get wind from time-to-time about engaging DLCs which extend our experience with beloved titles. Making winter afternoons feel adventurous isn’t it?

Moving away from games themselves for just a moment – yes I said it but bear with me :) – we can often glean ramp-ups in console technology too. Think new-generation software updates ensuring smoother gameplay or maybe even rumors surrounding upcoming consoles within the Nintendo universe—it's exhilarating isn't it?

If all these weren't enough already – remember those giddy days seeing behind-the-scenes clips and interviews cornering brilliant minds behind your favorite characters? Voila!? With everything related to Nintendo events and conventions coverage surfacing under "Nintendo News."

Stirring nostalgia combined with cutting-edge gaming innovations—Isn’t this exactly why we love staying tuned to news surrounding Nintendo?! Bringing joy into many lives since 1889; 'tis pretty amazing how much life one entity provides huh?

Stay Tuned for More Adventures!

Nintendo news content is a treasure trove of exciting updates that consistently rekindles our love for the gaming world. So keep that gaming spirit alive and stay connected to your beloved Nintendo universe—Who knows what we'll find next?

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