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Red hair News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Red hair News Section?

If you're someone intrigued by the world of fiery locks, then news content under the topic ‘Red Hair’ is definitely something that will capture your interest! But what exactly lies within this fascinating subject matter? Picture a brilliant carpet woven from threads spun with science, culture, myths, and facts. A whirlwind of perplexing allure indeed!

Let's delve beneath the ginger surface: our first stop is science. You might wonder why only around 1-2% of the world’s population sports red hair? That's because it takes two copies of a rather rare gene known as MC1R - one from each parent-to create these stunning tresses. Articles on genetic studies exploring variations and implications form a significant part of 'red hair' news.

Moving along our journey through crimson curls to encounter the next category -culture, are you ready for how deep it goes? Redheads were both revered and feared in historical societies; ancient Greeks believed they would turn into vampires after death while Celts thought them lucky! And now with events like "Ginger Pride" marches making headlines globally, there’s no shortage to cultural perspectives related stories under this topic.

We've certainly covered some ground on our trip through red-hair themed content but we mustn’t forget our last few stops: history, beauty trends, celebrity sightings – aren't you curious if Emma Stone’s red locks are naturally hers?(hint: they’re not!) - and even human rights advocacy against bullying or discrimination faced by people with red hair. Phew! We sure zoomed past chunks of vibrant information didn't we?

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