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UCLA's Jaime Jaquez Embraces Heat Partnership, Aims to Follow Jimmy Butler's Path

Jaime Jaquez Jr., who was selected by the Miami Heat in the NBA draft, had previously mentioned Jimmy Butler as a player he admired and wanted to emulate.

MIAMI - Jaime Jaquez Jr., the 6-foot-7 forward out of UCLA, made an impressive choice of words during the NBA's pre-draft combine last month, and it seems to have paid off. The Miami Heat selected Jaquez with the 18th pick in Thursday night's draft.

During a media session in May at the league's pre-draft camp in Chicago, Jaquez was asked to name NBA players, past or present, that he felt he played like or could emulate. Without knowing he would eventually be drafted by the Heat, he chose to mention Jimmy Butler.

"I would try to say Jimmy Butler was a guy that I really like and really I feel like I could be a lot like him," Jaquez said at the time. "I mean, I know he's like a superstar, but that's a guy I would aspire to be like."

Now, Jaquez finds himself as Butler's teammate, as the Heat made him their pick in the first round. It's a remarkable coincidence that Jaquez's comments align with the Heat's decision to draft him.

Jaquez, 22, explained his admiration for Butler and why he sees similarities in their games.

"I think just his ultimate toughness. He's a competitor," Jaquez said. "That's who he is, and that's what I try to be every single day. He elevates his team and he just knows how to play. He always tries to make the right play and I try to emulate that in my game."

Despite the age gap between Jaquez and Butler, who will turn 34 in September, there are distinct similarities in their playing styles. Both players prioritize grit over grace, excel defensively, and disrupt their opponents' game. Additionally, they are versatile on both ends of the court.

Adam Simon, the Heat's vice president of basketball operations and assistant general manager, acknowledged Jaquez's choice of comparison.

"I mean, he's his favorite player. I'm sure he studied him," Simon said. "We talked to so many people out west, not only the UCLA program, but places where he worked out, and he's a student of the game. He spends a lot of time with it, so I can see where he picked that up."

It remains to be seen how Jaquez will develop as a player in the NBA, but his selection by the Heat and his alignment with Butler's style of play suggest a promising future for the young forward. Only time will tell if Jaquez can truly emulate his idol and make a significant impact on the court.

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