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Review of 'The Out-Laws' Film: The Comedy Starring Adam Devine and Pierce Brosnan is Somewhat Amusing yet Easily Forgettable

"The Out-Laws" is a forgettable but necessary popcorn comedy on Netflix.

In a post-pandemic world, it seems that studios are hesitant to take risks, resulting in a scarcity of small, harmless comedy films like The Out-Laws. While watching the closing credits of The Out-Laws, you may find yourself with only half a smile, but it makes you wonder if these types of fun, albeit forgettable, movies are actually necessary more often than we think.

The film follows Owen Browning, played by Adam Devine, a clumsy and fearful bank manager who is about to marry his girlfriend Parker McDermott, portrayed by Nina Dobrev. However, Owen's conservative and old-fashioned parents, Neil and Margie Browning (Richard Kind and Julie Hagerty), have concerns about Parker's profession as a yoga teacher and her parents, Billy and Lilly McDermott (Pierce Brosnan and Ellen Barkin), who are often absent for mysterious reasons. Parker's parents, on the other hand, are a groovy and hipster couple who try to accept their daughter's choices, causing Owen to feel overshadowed.

The Out-Laws, directed by Tyler Spindel, features a talented cast including Adam Devine, Nina Dobrev, Pierce Brosnan, Ellen Barkin, Michael Rooker, and Poorna Jagannathan, among others. The runtime of the film is 95 minutes. The storyline revolves around Owen, who hasn't quite figured out life yet but is ready to marry the love of his life, Parker. However, things take an unexpected turn when Owen suspects his in-laws of being the notorious Ghost Bandits.

The plot thickens when Owen's bank is robbed, and he begins to suspect Parker's parents due to their unique characteristics, such as Billy's strong cologne and Lilly's signature fighting move. Owen realizes that he had only shared the bank's vault password with them. FBI officer Oldham, played by Michael Rooker, enters the scene to inform Owen that the robbers are the infamous Ghost Bandits, plunging Owen into despair. Additionally, Rehan Zakaryan, portrayed by Poorna Jagannathan, a wealthy criminal with a grudge against the Ghost Bandits, becomes involved in the mix.

The Out-Laws presents various comedic scenarios, such as an awkward lunch between the families and an action sequence where Owen dresses up as Shrek. However, it falls short of its potential due to scenes that prioritize silly jokes and cheap thrills, like the one set at Rehan's bungalow.

Despite its attempts to compensate for predictability, The Out-Laws only delivers a few good one-liners from characters enjoying themselves. The film relies heavily on humor, overlooking loopholes and lacking character development. Furthermore, talented actors like Dobrev and Rooker are underutilized. The poorly-staged climax set at a bank is the final disappointment. The ending leaves too many loose ends, and while mindless entertainment can sometimes overlook certain details, it would be satisfying to see the seemingly-human characters exhibit more natural responses and reactions.

The Out-Laws aims to entertain with its fast-paced humor, and you can't help but develop a fondness for a film that delivers a joke every 30 seconds. However, it's disheartening to realize that despite featuring elements like a high-speed car chase in a cemetery, the film may only be remembered for highlighting the state of its sub-genre. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that Pierce Brosnan still shines at the age of 70.

Currently available for streaming on Netflix, The Out-Laws offers a mix of comedy and action, providing an escape into a world of lighthearted entertainment.

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