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Chris Martin surprises with a video cameo at Elton John's final show

Coldplay's Chris Martin thanks Elton John for his career and philanthropy.

In a heartfelt message, Chris Martin, the frontman of Coldplay, surprised Sir Elton John as he concluded his farewell tour. During a Coldplay concert, Martin expressed his gratitude to the music icon for his immense contributions to other artists throughout his career. He acknowledged Elton's inspiration and support, thanking him on behalf of all the artists he has helped. Martin also commended Elton for his work with the LGBTQIA+ community, his AIDS foundation, and his impact on the fashion world. Sir Elton John, touched by the message, expressed his appreciation for the kind words.

As reported by, Sir Elton John recently completed his monumental 330-date farewell tour. In an emotional update to his fans, he shared a video clip of himself announcing the end of his touring days on a talk show, along with highlights from the extensive tour. The tour featured remarkable moments, including two proposals, 16 Gucci suits, and the use of 990 drumsticks. The final tour was witnessed by over six million fans.

In a post accompanying the video, Sir Elton John reflected on the journey of the tour and acknowledged its conclusion. He shared a photo of the arena on his Instagram story, emphasizing that it was their "one final farewell."

During his last performance of the farewell tour, Sir Elton John assured his fans that they would forever remain in his "head, heart, and soul." Before performing his final track, 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,' he expressed his gratitude to the crowd in Stockholm, Sweden. He reminisced about his first show in Sweden 52 years ago and thanked his dedicated fans who have attended numerous shows throughout the years. He acknowledged their unwavering support and emphasized the significance it held for him.

Reflecting on his illustrious career, Sir Elton John expressed his immense joy in playing music for over 52 years. He acknowledged the role his fans played in his success, highlighting their contributions through purchasing his music and attending his live shows, which he adores. The farewell tour marked a significant milestone in his life, and he expressed his gratitude to everyone who made it possible.

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