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DeAndre Hopkins fuels Chiefs rumors with Instagram comments on $80 million KC star's post

DeAndre Hopkins may sign with the Kansas City Chiefs soon.

It appears that DeAndre Hopkins is getting closer to signing with an NFL team in the near future. With NFL training camps just around the corner, it's possible that the wide receiver will find his new team very soon.

There is speculation that the Kansas City Chiefs could be the team that Hopkins ends up with. This speculation arose after Chiefs defensive tackle Chris Jones posted a photo of himself at the ESPY's on Wednesday night on his Instagram account.

Hopkins commented on the post using the praise emoji, which caught the attention of many NFL fans. Chris Jones then replied to Hopkins' comment with the fingers crossed emoji and the shaking hands emoji.

This exchange between the two players has stirred up excitement among fans, leading them to believe that Hopkins may be considering joining the Chiefs.

Numerous fans have reached out to Hopkins, expressing their belief that Kansas City is the perfect fit for him.

While it's uncertain whether this exchange truly indicates Hopkins' future plans, it has certainly sparked interest and speculation.

Reports have suggested that Chris Jones and the Kansas City Chiefs have been working on a contract extension this offseason. Both parties are optimistic that negotiations will be concluded soon, ensuring that Jones remains with the Chiefs for the foreseeable future.

This contract extension could also have an impact on Hopkins' decision. It has been rumored that Hopkins may be waiting for Jones to sign his extension before making a move. This way, the Chiefs will have a clear understanding of their remaining salary cap space.

Currently, Jones' contract has a significant $28 million hit to the salary cap. By signing him to an extension, the Chiefs would free up a substantial amount of money, potentially allowing them to sign Hopkins.

Ideally, the Kansas City Chiefs would like to extend Jones' contract and then secure Hopkins with a deal worth anywhere between $10 to $15 million per year.

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