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Tom Holland's Concerning Box Office Performance Highlights MCU's Importance

Tom Holland's box office record without the MCU is lackluster.

Tom Holland's career in Hollywood has been largely defined by his portrayal of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Since his debut as the web-slinging hero in Captain America: Civil War, Holland has struggled to replicate the box office success of his MCU projects in his other films.

Despite earning praise for his performance as Peter Parker, Holland's non-MCU films have generally underperformed both commercially and critically. Even with notable co-stars like Chris Pratt and Will Smith, many of his roles have resulted in box office bombs. Films like The Lost City of Z, The Current War, Spies in Disguise, and Dolittle failed to make a significant impact at the box office.

To illustrate Holland's lackluster box office record, let's take a closer look at the budget and box office performances of his ten starring roles since joining the MCU. With the exception of his Spider-Man movies, only Uncharted managed to turn a profit, likely due to its built-in audience from the popular game series.

However, it's important to note that Holland's box office flops are not entirely his fault. Unfortunate circumstances, such as bad timing and production setbacks, have plagued many of his projects. The Current War, for example, was delayed due to Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse allegations, while the COVID-19 pandemic affected the financial performance of Onward.

Despite his struggles at the box office, Holland still relies on Spider-Man and the MCU to sustain his career. The well-established Spider-Man franchise guarantees a certain level of success, and Holland has proven his ability to carry a film as Peter Parker. His portrayal of the beloved character has garnered a devoted fan base, which will continue to support his career despite his box office flops.

In conclusion, while Tom Holland's success is largely tied to Spider-Man and the MCU, his overall box office record is far from impressive. Many of his films have failed to make a significant impact financially, and critical reception has been mixed at best. Though he has faced unfortunate circumstances beyond his control, Holland's reliance on Spider-Man and the MCU remains crucial for his career at this point.

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