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Get acquainted with the mastermind behind the vibrant Barbie film

Greta Gerwig surprises fans by signing up to direct Barbie film.

Greta Gerwig, the avant-garde film guru, has been steadily making her mark in Hollywood and inching closer to surpassing male directors in the race for the prestigious gold statue. However, her decision to sign up for the seemingly shallow project of Barbie came as a surprise to many. In 2018, Gerwig made history as the first female director to be nominated for an Oscar on her debut film, Lady Bird. Unfortunately, she was overshadowed by a male-dominated race that included renowned directors like Paul Thomas Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Jordan Peele, and the eventual winner Guillermo del Toro.

Given this setback, some wondered if Gerwig was jeopardizing her credibility by taking on the box office blockbuster Barbie. However, Gerwig revealed that she was intrigued by the project precisely because of the counter-arguments against it. She acknowledged that even her most loyal fans had doubts about her Hollywood gamble, including her own mother who did not approve of Barbie. Yet, Gerwig's recent successes with films like Little Women have increased her chances of winning an Oscar, and she feels inspired as she approaches her 40th birthday.

Despite her unconventional choice, critics believe that Gerwig's Barbie experiment could once again put her in the running for an Oscar. They praise her ability to infuse a moving and emotionally powerful journey of self-discovery into what could have been a mere toy commercial. Some even highlight Ryan Gosling's song performance of "I'm Just Ken" as a potential Oscar-worthy moment. Hoai-Tran Bui from Inverse called Gerwig a sellout, but commended her for hiding depth within a seemingly shallow project. Devan Coggan from Entertainment Weekly described Gerwig's Barbie as a fierce, funny, and deeply feminist adventure that evokes both laughter and tears, even from those made of plastic.

Gerwig, however, is not deterred by any skepticism from Hollywood. She declares that she is just getting started with her new direction and aims to be more playfully outrageous. As she continues to challenge the norms and push boundaries, Gerwig proves that she is a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

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