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Barcelona vs Juventus match called off due to illness affecting multiple Blaugrana players

Barcelona cancels pre-season match against Juventus due to illness outbreak.

Barcelona and Juventus were set to face off in their first pre-season match, but unfortunately, Barcelona had to cancel the game due to a viral gastroenteritis outbreak among several players and staff members. This announcement came just nine hours before the scheduled match, leaving both teams with a change in their plans. Barcelona will now prepare to face Arsenal in their next friendly, while Juventus will take on AC Milan in their pre-season club friendlies.

The cancellation of the Barcelona vs Juventus match came as a disappointment to fans, as it was supposed to be an exciting showdown between two top clubs. The match was scheduled to take place at Levi's Stadium in California on July 24th. However, with a significant number of players and staff affected by viral gastroenteritis, Barcelona had no choice but to call off the game.

Reports suggest that over 10 people in the first-team unit, including players and backroom staff, have been affected by the illness. This setback comes at a crucial time for both teams, as they were looking forward to getting some valuable pre-season game time under their belts. Barcelona and Juventus will now have to adjust their schedules and find alternative ways to prepare for the upcoming season.

For Barcelona, their next friendly against Arsenal is just around the corner on July 27th. This match will take place in the United States, and Barcelona will need to regroup quickly and ensure that their players are fit and ready for the challenge. On the other hand, Juventus will likely change their plans and head to Los Angeles earlier to prepare for their match against AC Milan.

The cancellation of the Barcelona vs Juventus match also has implications for some of Barcelona's new signings. Players like Ilkay Gundogan and Inigo Martinez were set to make their non-competitive debut for the club in this match. However, with the cancellation, their introduction to the team will have to wait for another opportunity.

In addition to the disappointment of the cancelled match, there are also rumors of potential transfer talks between Barcelona and Juventus. Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri has reportedly shown interest in Barcelona midfielder Franck Kessie as a potential replacement for Paul Pogba. Pogba's future at Juventus is uncertain, and if he were to leave, Kessie could be the ideal candidate to fill his shoes. Barcelona may consider selling Kessie if the right offer comes along, as they are currently trying to address their financial instability.

Overall, the cancellation of the Barcelona vs Juventus match is a setback for both teams. It not only disrupts their pre-season preparations but also leaves fans disappointed. However, both clubs will need to adapt and find alternative ways to get ready for the upcoming season. The next few weeks will be crucial as they make adjustments to their schedules and continue to build their squads for the challenges ahead.

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