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Reasons behind Brian Harman's 'waggle' gaining viral attention at The Open

Brian Harman's lengthy pre-shot routine draws attention at Open Championship.

On the 12th tee at Royal Liverpool during the Open Championship, Brian Harman captured the attention of viewers with his unique pre-shot routine. Twelve club waggles in a span of 20 seconds, reminiscent of Sergio Garcia's club jiggle, left many wondering what Harman was doing. The sequence was captured by a Twitter account and quickly gained attention and comments.

Despite the peculiar routine, Harman is the 54-hole leader at the Open, leading by a significant five strokes. While some may argue that his routine is tough on the eyes and slows down the pace of play, Harman seems to have found a routine that works for him. Analysts, such as Nick Dougherty and Brad Faxon, compared Harman's routine to that of Novak Djokovic in tennis, who takes his time until he feels ready.

Colt Knost, a former pro golfer and current analyst, commented on Harman's routine, stating that it is simply a nervous tick. Some players get faster, some get slower with their pre-shot routines, while others back off a lot. Harman's coach, Justin Parsons, acknowledged that they are aware of the routine and are working on it, but emphasized that Harman doesn't pull the trigger until he feels ready.

Overall, Harman's pre-shot routine may be unconventional and draw attention, but it seems to be working for him as he leads the Open Championship. While it may not be visually appealing to some, it serves a purpose for Harman and helps him feel prepared before each shot.

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