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Ubisoft announces possible deletion of inactive accounts, along with associated purchased games

Ubisoft faces backlash for potential closure of inactive accounts, risking game access.

If you're tired of feeling censored and surveilled in the gaming world, there may be a solution for you. Consider subscribing to Reclaim The Net, a platform that aims to combat these issues and provide a space for gamers to freely express themselves.

But let's talk about Ubisoft, the renowned publisher behind popular franchises like Assassin's Creed and Far Cry. Recently, the company made a policy clarification that has sparked a significant backlash. They announced that inactive Ubisoft accounts could be permanently closed, potentially resulting in players losing access to all the games they have purchased on the platform. This revelation has raised serious concerns, especially among those interested in Ubisoft's upcoming releases.

Ubisoft has faced criticism in the past for its repetitive gameplay mechanics. Many players have grown tired of the predictable formula found in their games, such as climbing towers and clearing checkpoints in open-world settings. In response to these grievances, Ubisoft seems to be making adjustments in their upcoming titles, like Assassin's Creed Mirage, by scaling down these criticized elements.

The controversial policy regarding inactive accounts was confirmed by Ubisoft Support in response to a tweet from AntiDRM. The tweet shared an email notification from Ubisoft, warning about a temporary suspension due to account inactivity, with the possibility of permanent closure after 30 days. Ubisoft Support responded, assuring users that they don't want players to lose access to their games or accounts and suggesting that logging into the account could prevent this from happening.

This statement from Ubisoft ignited a firestorm on Twitter. Users were quick to point out the irony of the company claiming to prioritize customer access to games while implementing a policy that could take away that access. Some even argued that such a policy might be illegal in certain jurisdictions, including France where Ubisoft is headquartered. Others saw this as a ploy to push gamers towards Ubisoft's subscription service, Ubisoft+. One Twitter user sarcastically remarked, "I bet y'all leave these accounts going if they have an active Ubisoft+ subscription."

The unsettling policy from Ubisoft has caused a wave of dissent among its customers. As the company continues to experiment with divisive DRM practices and controversial blockchain-based games, it seems to be losing touch with the expectations of its audience. Only time will tell if Ubisoft will make adjustments in response to the backlash, but for now, it seems that this gaming giant is veering off-course.

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