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"Russian President Putin Envisions 'More Just' Multipolar World Order"

Vladimir Putin envisions a new multipolar world order for justice and democracy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently expressed his views on the emergence of a new multipolar world order. According to Putin, this new configuration will allow different regions, including Africa, the Middle East, and Latam, to assume their rightful roles in a new "more just and democratic" global order.

In his article titled "Russia and Africa: Joining Efforts for Peace, Progress and a Successful Future," Putin emphasized the rise of these new centers of economic and political power and their demand for recognition. He believes that the contours of a new multipolar world order, which will be more fair and democratic, can already be seen.

Moreover, Putin stressed that this new international arena will provide an opportunity for regions to break free from the bitter legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism. He urged them to reject the modern practices associated with these legacies.

Putin also highlighted the common ground between Africa and Russia, emphasizing their shared desire to establish a system of relations based on international law, respect for national interests, security indivisibility, and the central role of the United Nations.

This is not the first time Putin has mentioned the rise of a multipolar world order that aims to reduce dependence on traditional financial centers. In a speech at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, he stated that the neo-colonial world system no longer exists and that the multipolar world order is gaining strength.

During a meeting with the Council for Local Self-Government Development, Putin reiterated the inevitability of decentralizing global power centers. He emphasized that this movement would only intensify and warned that those who fail to understand it would be at a disadvantage. He described this as an "absolutely obvious fact."

In conclusion, Putin's thoughts on the emergence of a new multipolar world order highlight the importance of recognizing the changing dynamics of power in the international arena. He believes that this shift will lead to a fairer and more democratic global order, allowing regions like Africa, the Middle East, and Latam to play significant roles. What are your thoughts on Putin's views? Let us know in the comments section below.

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