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3 Key Insights from Jets vs. Browns Hall of Fame Game

The Jets' preseason opener saw Zach Wilson make a strong start, Bryce Huff impress with a sack, and Jamien Sherwood make a case for the LB3 role.

The 2023 NFL preseason kicked off with the Hall of Fame Game between the Jets and Browns, and while it was just an exhibition game, it still provided some interesting moments. With many of the starters sitting out, the backups had a chance to shine in front of the crowd in Canton, Ohio. One player who stood out was Zach Wilson, the Jets' former No. 2 overall draft pick.

It's not ideal to see a player of Wilson's caliber starting a preseason game in his third NFL season. After a rough end to last year, Wilson is now backing up Aaron Rodgers, and he needs to make the most of his preseason reps to improve. And that's exactly what he did on Thursday night. Wilson completed three of five passes for 65 yards, including an impressive 57-yard throw down the left sideline to wide receiver Malik Taylor.

While it was just one throw, it could be a turning point for Wilson as he looks to bounce back from the past two seasons. As a former No. 2 overall pick who is only 24 years old, he's expected to make those kinds of plays.

Another player who caught the eye was Bryce Huff, a pass rusher who has shown promise statistically. Despite having limited playing time with just seven starts in three years, Huff had the highest pressure rate in the league last year among players with at least 150 pass-rush snaps. However, with a crowded defensive end group in New York, including Carl Lawson, John Franklin-Myers, Jermaine Johnson, Micheal Clemons, and first-rounder Will McDonald, there may not be a spot for Huff on the Jets' roster. This makes him a potential trade candidate, and his early sack in the preseason opener only boosts his trade value. General manager Joe Douglas should consider making a deal to get something in return for a player who could thrive in another system.

On the defensive side, Jamien Sherwood made a strong case for himself in the LB3 role in the Jets' 4-3 defensive scheme. With C.J. Mosley and Quincy Williams set to start at linebacker, Sherwood showed his potential by forcing a fumble from Browns receiver Anthony Schwartz, which was recovered by Javelin Guidry, the slot corner. Sherwood has already proven his value on special teams, playing 67% of the Jets' special teams snaps last year. If he continues to develop as a defender, there will be fewer reasons for the team to consider cutting him before the regular season.

Overall, the Jets' first preseason game provided some encouraging signs for the team. Wilson showed progress, Huff boosted his trade value with a sack, and Sherwood made a strong case for a starting role on defense. As the preseason continues, these players will have more opportunities to prove themselves and make their case for a spot on the roster.

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