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Referee Error mars Brock Lesnar vs Cody Rhodes WWE SummerSlam match

Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar's intense feud at WWE SummerSlam 2023 ends with Rhodes emerging as the victor.

During the highly anticipated WWE SummerSlam event, Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar faced off for the third time, adding another chapter to their intense rivalry. Leading up to the match, both competitors had previously won one contest each, creating an air of uncertainty and excitement.

The buildup to the match saw Cody Rhodes endure a tremendous amount of punishment from the former Universal Champion, further fueling the anticipation for their clash. As the match unfolded on Saturday night, Rhodes and Lesnar unleashed their full arsenal of moves and strategies in an attempt to secure victory. Lesnar even executed his devastating finishing move, the F5, on Rhodes, hoping to claim the win. In a surprising turn of events, Rhodes retaliated by using the steel steps to knock Lesnar down, but was unable to secure the pinfall.

This particular moment became a point of contention, as using steel steps in a regular match would typically result in disqualification. However, the referee inexplicably chose to overlook this violation, leaving fans to question whether different rules applied to the dominant alpha male of the wrestling world. Despite the controversy surrounding this decision, the match continued, and ultimately, Rhodes emerged victorious, conquering the mighty Beast.

What followed the intense match was a rare display of respect between the two wrestlers. Brock Lesnar, known for his fierce and often ruthless demeanor, surprised fans by raising Rhodes' hand in a show of acknowledgement and admiration. This unexpected gesture elevated the significance of Rhodes' triumph and added a touch of sportsmanship to their heated rivalry.

With a 2-1 lead in their series and Lesnar's unexpected display of respect towards Cody Rhodes, it appears that this feud has reached its conclusion. The outcome of their latest encounter, combined with Lesnar's acknowledgment of Rhodes' victory, signifies a potential end to their intense conflict. As fans reflect on this chapter of their rivalry, they can appreciate the complexity and unpredictability that wrestling brings to the world of sports entertainment.

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