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Ammon Bundy Arrested on Outstanding Warrant

Ammon Bundy, known for his anti-government views, was arrested on an open warrant related to harassment and defamation charges. He lost a case and was ordered to pay $26 million to a hospital.

In a recent turn of events, Ammon Bundy, known for his extreme views on guns and government, has finally been apprehended on an outstanding warrant related to charges of harassment and defamation. These charges emerged from a legal battle between Bundy and St. Luke's Health Systems, which, it should be noted, Bundy ultimately lost. As a result, he has been ordered to pay a staggering $26 million to the hospital, its CEO, and two staff members.

It is important to understand that the resolution of the case does not automatically nullify the warrant. Hence, Bundy's arrest. According to KTVB, he was taken into custody during a fundraising event for Emmett High School's football team and has since been booked into Gem County Jail on a contempt charge from Ada County. Should he be able to post a $10,000 bond, it is likely that his supporters will rally behind him. However, if he fails to do so this weekend, he will have to wait until Monday to appear before a judge, as is customary in most court systems throughout the United States.

Following Bundy's arrest, KTVB reports that "supporters of Bundy showed up at the Gem County Jail," though it is worth noting that their presence remained peaceful, with signs and vocal expressions being their chosen methods of support.

The warrant in question stems from a clash between Bundy and the hospital, which began when he and fellow activists organized a series of protests at the facility. Their false claim was that a friend's grandchild had been "medically kidnapped" by St. Luke's Health Systems and Child Protective Services (CPS).

A statement from the Meridian Police Department shed further light on the situation, revealing that the child had been admitted to the hospital due to severe malnourishment. Health and Welfare had contacted the child's father, who initially agreed to bring the child in for examination but failed to follow through. When officers attempted to locate the parents to ensure the child's welfare, they faced resistance and uncooperativeness. Consequently, a warrant was issued, leading to the parents fleeing with the child. However, they were apprehended during a nearby traffic stop, and the child was subsequently brought to St. Luke's.

In response to this series of events, Ammon Bundy and his supporters descended upon the hospital, refusing to leave despite instructions to do so. As a result, Bundy and others were charged with trespassing. Furthermore, the hospital and its staff filed a lawsuit against Bundy, which he chose not to participate in. Instead, he resorted to harassing witnesses involved in the case, prompting the hospital to file a motion for contempt.

Ultimately, Bundy and his co-defendant suffered defeat in court and were ordered to pay a staggering $52 million, with each party being responsible for $26 million. This serves as a significant blow to Bundy and his cause, highlighting the consequences of his actions and the importance of adhering to legal proceedings.

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