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Frenkie de Jong reiterates commitment to Barcelona, expressing desire to stay for life

De Jong expresses desire to stay at Barca for life, despite previous transfer speculation. Manchester United interested in signing him.

De Jong's future at Barcelona has been a topic of discussion for several years, with Manchester United often linked as potential suitors. Last summer, there were rumors of a possible transfer to Old Trafford, and Barcelona's president, Joan Laporta, confirmed that the club had rejected a €100 million offer for the midfielder this year. However, De Jong has made it clear that he wants to stay at Barcelona.

In an interview with El Periodico, De Jong expressed his desire to remain at the club, stating, "I have always wanted to be at Barcelona. In the early years, we hadn't won La Liga or gone far in the Champions League. We had only won one Copa del Rey. I knew I had a lot more to achieve at Barcelona, especially with the arrival of high-level players that summer. It's the club of my dreams, and I want to be here for the rest of my career. I never had any intention of leaving suddenly."

Barcelona's financial situation was a significant factor in the speculation surrounding De Jong's potential departure last summer. De Jong acknowledged this, saying, "Economically, Barcelona is not in the best position, and they could have received a substantial amount of money for me. Perhaps the club thought it would be beneficial to sell me and use that money. However, I was always clear that I didn't want to leave. I was calm because I had made my decision."

Looking ahead, De Jong has transformed from a sellable asset to a key player in Xavi's team within just one year. He has become one of the club's captains and is expected to play a crucial role in their defense of the La Liga title.

In conclusion, De Jong's commitment to Barcelona has been unwavering, despite the transfer speculation surrounding him. He sees Barcelona as the club of his dreams and intends to stay there for the long term. Barcelona's financial situation may have influenced the rumors of a potential sale, but De Jong's desire to remain at the club has remained steadfast. With his newfound role as a key player and captain, De Jong is poised to contribute significantly to Barcelona's success in the upcoming season.

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