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Gary Neville identifies issue with Alexis Mac Allister during Liverpool debut

Gary Neville highlights Liverpool's need for a holding midfielder after a mistake from Alexis Mac Allister against Chelsea.

In a recent analysis on Sky Sports' Super Sunday coverage, Gary Neville emphasized the pressing need for Liverpool to acquire a holding midfielder following a costly mistake made by Alexis Mac Allister during their match against Chelsea.

Neville, a former Manchester United captain, observed the Argentine international losing Enzo Fernandez early on in the game, although Mac Allister's countryman failed to capitalize on the opportunity. This incident shed light on Liverpool's vulnerability in the absence of a recognized holding midfielder, as Jurgen Klopp opted for a surprising starting XI that lacked this crucial position.

Consequently, the first half of the match became incredibly open, exposing Liverpool's defensive frailties. Recognizing the urgency to rectify this issue, Liverpool is actively working behind the scenes to secure the services of a defensive midfielder. The hope is to avoid placing Mac Allister or any other player in a similar predicament in future Premier League matches. Neville was highly critical of Mac Allister's positioning, emphasizing the need for a dedicated defensive option in that role.

The absence of Fabinho, who was not intended to be sold this summer, has proven to be a significant setback for Liverpool. The failure to promptly sign a replacement prior to the start of the new season has left the Reds exposed, particularly evident in their match against Chelsea.

Although Mac Allister cannot be solely blamed for the team's defensive lapses, his mistake in the midfield highlighted Liverpool's dire need to bring in a defensive-minded central player. Ensuring a solid defensive foundation through clean sheets will be crucial for Liverpool's pursuit of silverware in the upcoming season. As a result, securing a defensive midfielder in the coming days should be at the top of Liverpool's priority list.

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