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Manchester United fans protest Glazers and Mason Greenwood return

Protests took place at Old Trafford as Manchester United supporters expressed their anger towards the Glazer family's ownership of the club. Supporters groups demanded the sale of the club and criticized the lack of progress in negotiations for new ownership. Protests will continue until there is a resolution.

Old Trafford, the iconic home stadium of Manchester United, was the site of two passionate protests on Monday night. These protests were fueled by the frustration and anger of fans towards the club's owners, the Glazer family, whom the leading supporters group, MUST, accused of holding the club "hostage."

One of the protests was organized by the group known as The 1958, who aimed to raise awareness for a planned post-match sit-in that they intend to hold after United's next home game against Nottingham Forest. Another organization, Female Fans Against Greenwood's Return, also joined in the protest, expressing their dissatisfaction with the potential reinstatement of United forward Mason Greenwood by the club.

The root cause of this unrest lies in the Glazers' continued ownership of the club, despite announcing in November 2022 that they were seeking new investment that could potentially lead to a sale of the club. Protracted negotiations have been ongoing with two potential buyers, Qatari businessman Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani and British billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe. However, no resolution has been reached, and the Glazers remain in control of the club 18 years after their initial purchase.

The Manchester United Supporters Trust, representing over 100,000 fans, expressed their frustration with the Glazers' handling of the situation in a strongly-worded statement. They accused the Glazer family of treating the sale process as a charade and holding the club and its fans hostage. The fans' united message is clear - they want the club to be sold. If the Glazers are not willing to sell, the fans demand transparency and an explanation for the prolonged negotiations.

MUST spokesman Chris Rumfitt emphasized that the protests will continue and intensify until the ownership situation is resolved. He expressed surprise and disappointment at the stalled bid and the lack of communication from the Glazers. The fear among fans is that the Glazers will choose to do nothing, but this is not an acceptable option. The club is in need of investment, particularly in the stadium, and it is evident that the Glazers are not willing to provide that investment themselves. If they are not going to sell, the fans demand a clear plan of action.

While the protests on Monday night were not as large in scale as previous demonstrations, several hundred supporters gathered on the Old Trafford forecourt before the match. Banners were displayed, conveying the anti-Glazer sentiment, and promoting the planned sit-in. Flags were draped in front of the statue honoring club legends George Best, Denis Law, and Sir Bobby Charlton.

A group of supporters made their way down the tunnel beneath the Sir Bobby Charlton stand before kick-off, as has become customary. Despite some passionate chanting, there was no sign of trouble or violence. The 1958 distributed flyers calling for supporters to remain in their seats for an hour after the Forest game, although the heavy rain dampened the protest.

Female Fans Against Greenwood's Return also made their voices heard, criticizing the club officials for delaying an announcement regarding Mason Greenwood's potential return until after consultation with United's women's team. The group held a banner labeling the officials as "spineless." United had postponed making a decision on Greenwood's fate, despite the charges against him being dropped in February. The protest group demanded that the club demonstrate zero tolerance towards acts of violence against women by refusing to reinstate Greenwood.

In conclusion, the protests at Old Trafford on Monday night highlighted the deep-rooted frustrations of Manchester United fans towards the Glazer family's ownership of the club. The fans' demands for transparency, a clear plan of action, and potential sale of the club were made clear through banners, chants, and statements. The protests will continue until the ownership situation is resolved, and the fans' voices are heard.

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