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Auger-Aliassime Ends Losing Streak, Defeats Berrettini in Cincinnati Open

Canadian tennis player Felix Auger-Aliassime ends losing streak with a comeback victory at the Cincinnati Open.

August 15, (THEWILL) - In a stunning comeback, Canadian tennis player Felix Auger-Aliassime put an end to his five-match losing streak with a remarkable victory over Italy's Matteo Berrettini in the first round of the Cincinnati Open on Monday. The match started off on a rough note for Auger-Aliassime as he lost the first set, getting broken in the fifth game. However, he quickly found his rhythm and took control of the game. In the second set, he broke Berrettini early and never faced another break point. Auger-Aliassime capitalized on his own opportunities in the final set, ultimately securing a 4-6 6-2 6-3 win.

Reflecting on his performance, Auger-Aliassime expressed his determination to maintain a positive attitude and give his best effort throughout the match. He acknowledged the frustration of losing break points in the first set and not being careful enough with his service game. However, he managed to channel that frustration into something positive, bouncing back strongly. The Canadian player also acknowledged the challenges he has faced this season, including injuries and confidence issues. Despite these obstacles, he remains committed to accepting the new challenges and continuing to grow in the game.

This victory comes as a much-needed boost for Auger-Aliassime, who has struggled throughout the 2022 season. Injuries and confidence issues have plagued him, making it a challenging year. However, his strong serving and powerful forehand proved to be the key factors in overpowering Berrettini and securing the win.

With this win, Auger-Aliassime improves his record to 14-13 for the year. In the next round, he will face France's Adrian Mannarino, whom he has never played against before. Auger-Aliassime will be looking to maintain his momentum and continue his success in the tournament. He hopes for favorable weather conditions as he returns to the court on Tuesday.

In conclusion, Felix Auger-Aliassime's victory over Matteo Berrettini marks a significant turning point in his season. Overcoming a five-match losing streak, he showcased his determination, skill, and ability to bounce back from setbacks. As he progresses further in the Cincinnati Open, all eyes will be on Auger-Aliassime to see if he can sustain his momentum and continue to defy the odds.

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