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Johnny Depp's Upcoming Projects: Exploring the Actor's Latest Ventures

Johnny Depp has been staying out of the public eye amid his legal battle with ex-wife Amber Heard and allegations of abuse. His recent projects include voice work for the children's animated series Puffins. His French-language film Jeanne Du Barry has premiered at Cannes but doesn't have a U.S. release date yet. Depp's future in major films, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, remains uncertain. However, money could potentially change the situation.

Johnny Depp, the once-celebrated hero of Hollywood, has been noticeably absent from the public eye. This can be attributed to his ongoing legal battle with ex-wife Amber Heard, as well as the industry's reluctance to work with individuals accused of abuse.

Depp's recent filmography has been relatively sparse. His last notable roles were in 2017's "Murder on the Orient Express" and 2018's "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald." However, he was subsequently replaced in the third installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise. Since then, Depp has taken on smaller projects and has primarily focused on voice work, especially during the pandemic.

One such project is the Serbian-produced children's animated series called "Puffins," where Depp voices the main character, Johnny Puff. This spinoff originated from the 2019 animated film "Arctic Dogs," which had a lackluster performance at the box office. Despite this, Depp found solace in lending his voice to the TV spinoff, allowing him to continue acting while avoiding the prying eyes of the media.

Depp's most anticipated film, "Jeanne Du Barry," a French-language production, has already premiered at Cannes and received positive reception. However, it has yet to secure a release date in the United States. The film is set to stream on Netflix in France, which may influence the timeline for its theatrical release in the US. Eventually, it is expected to be available on Netflix's US platform as well. In "Jeanne Du Barry," Depp portrays Louis the Beloved alongside a talented supporting cast.

Looking ahead, Depp's IMDb page lists another project featuring his voice work for "Puffins." This time, it is titled "Johnny Puff: Secret Mission." It seems that Depp's team is gauging the reception of "Jeanne Du Barry" before pursuing major film opportunities. While Disney has expressed uncertainty about bringing Depp back for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, there may still be a glimmer of hope. However, Depp's friends claim that he has no interest in reconnecting with Disney after they swiftly dropped him following Heard's accusations.

Ultimately, time and financial success have the power to change perspectives and mend broken relationships. Perhaps we should keep our eyes on the horizon for a potential return of Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates 6: The Great Parlay."

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