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'Elon Musk Endorses Vivek Ramaswamy for US President, Highlights Clear Beliefs'

Elon Musk indirectly endorses GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, praising his articulate views, adding to previous recognition of him as a 'promising candidate.'

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has once again shown his support for Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, praising Ramaswamy's ability to effectively communicate his views. This endorsement comes at a crucial time as Ramaswamy prepares to face off against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the upcoming GOP presidential primary debate in Milwaukee.

Although Musk's support may not be explicit, it carries significant weight. On Thursday, popular US host Tucker Carlson described Ramaswamy as a candidate "worth listening to" and shared a 45-minute interview with him on the social media platform X. In response to this post, Musk stated, "He is a very promising candidate." While Musk has previously shown support for Ramaswamy, he has also openly expressed his inclination towards DeSantis.

At just 38 years old, Ramaswamy has emerged as one of the youngest major GOP presidential contenders. With roots in Ohio and Indian immigrant heritage, he holds degrees from prestigious institutions like Harvard and Yale. As the founder of a biotech firm and asset management company, Ramaswamy gained attention with his book "Woke, Inc." and has made appearances on Fox.

Ramaswamy confidently addresses a wide range of topics, earning praise for his intellect and oratory skills. He criticizes the concept of "ESG" (environmental, social, and governance) and champions values such as faith, patriotism, and family. One of his standout proposals is to reduce federal bureaucracy by 75 percent, a plan that has garnered support from new donors. Ramaswamy aims to reshape the political landscape and has already rallied 40 percent of first-time GOP donors who are determined to redefine the future of the party.

In May, Elon Musk expressed his preference for a "normal human being" with strong managerial skills to become the next US president. In a recent interview with MSNBC, Musk highlighted the importance of having a leader who can efficiently execute tasks and make decisions, rather than solely aligning with specific beliefs. He used the analogy of randomly selecting individuals from a phone book for governance, emphasizing the need for a competent executive to lead the nation. Musk sees the role of the US president as similar to that of a CEO managing the affairs of America.

Overall, Elon Musk's indirect endorsement of GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy showcases his appreciation for Ramaswamy's ability to articulate his views effectively. This endorsement adds to the growing support for Ramaswamy as he prepares for the upcoming GOP presidential primary debate. With his youth, diverse background, and ambitious proposals, Ramaswamy is poised to make a significant impact on the political landscape.

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