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Eminem's Opening Act Breaks Silence on Alleged Communication Ban with Renowned Rapper

Rapper 360 claims he was not allowed to talk to Eminem during a tour, sparking disappointment among fans.

Rapper 360, whose real name is Matthew Colwell, recently shared a TikTok video in which he revealed that he was not allowed to talk to Eminem when he opened for him on his 2014 Australia and New Zealand tour. The Melbourne-based musician, who was part of a stacked support bill that also included Kendrick Lamar and J Cole, described the other two opening acts as 'super nice and chill' and 'down to earth'. However, he explained that they were given strict instructions not to approach Eminem because of his immense fame, which is on par with that of Michael Jackson.

Despite not being able to meet his hero, 360 expressed his gratitude for being part of the Rapture Tour, calling it a dream come true. He described the experience as mind-blowing, considering it was his first-ever show and one of the main reasons he started rapping in the first place.

Many fans sympathized with 360 and questioned why Eminem wouldn't meet with one of his support acts. Some felt that it made him appear arrogant, while others believed it was a matter of respect. However, there were also fans who defended Eminem, suggesting that it may not have been his decision but rather that of his team. They praised him for his down-to-earth nature and speculated that he may not have been aware of the rules. has reached out to Eminem's representative for comment on the matter.

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In other news, Ed Sheeran recently surprised his fans by bringing out his long-time pal Eminem for a surprise duet, and the crowd absolutely lost themselves in excitement.

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