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Dodger Stadium Flooded: Contradicting Video Debunks Tropical Storm Hilary Impact

No, Dodger Stadium was not flooded by Tropical Storm Hilary. Rumors were spread through false posts on social media.

Contrary to rumors, Dodger Stadium's ball field and parking lot did not experience flooding on August 20, 2023, as a result of rain from Tropical Storm Hilary in Los Angeles. Users who sought the truth about this matter turned to Google and searched for "Snopes Dodger Stadium flooded." These searches were prompted by various online posts that spread misinformation.

One platform where this false claim gained traction was X (formerly Twitter). Numerous posts circulated, with one claiming, "Dodger Stadium is an island," and another stating, "WATCH: Dodger Stadium flooded in Los Angeles after Tropical Storm Hilary slams California." These posts included an aerial video that was used as supposed evidence.

The aerial video in question was originally uploaded on August 20 by the Instagram accounts @dodgeraerial and @ic_drones. However, the captions accompanying these posts did not mention anything about Dodger Stadium being flooded.

The Associated Press addressed this issue and reported, "The team says the stadium, which is built into a hill, was never under water -- and the apparent flood in the video is just an optical illusion." In reality, the wet concrete in the parking lot gave a reflective appearance when viewed from above, creating the misleading impression of flooding.

To further debunk the false claims, the Dodgers themselves responded on August 21 with a post showing that both the stadium and parking lot were completely dry.

This incident brings to mind the topic of optical illusions. We previously reported on a photograph that purportedly depicted a 28-foot-long crocodile killed in Australia in 1957. However, it was later revealed that the picture was taken decades earlier and the animal only appeared larger due to forced perspective.

In conclusion, the rumors of Dodger Stadium's flooding were unfounded. The online posts and aerial video that circulated as evidence turned out to be an optical illusion caused by wet concrete. It is crucial to verify information before spreading it further, as misinformation can easily mislead and confuse.

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