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Recently Hospitalized GOP Candidate Doug Burgum Spotted On Crutches Before Debate

Republican presidential candidate Doug Burgum was seen on crutches before the debate, raising questions about his participation.

Republican presidential candidate and Governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, was seen using crutches just hours before the Wednesday night debate. It was revealed that Burgum had injured his leg while playing basketball and had to visit the emergency room on Tuesday night. There were concerns about whether he would be able to attend the Republican National Committee (RNC) debate, but his presence on crutches at a Fox News set suggests that he is well enough to participate.

Initially, a campaign spokesperson stated that it was unclear whether Burgum would be able to participate in the debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. However, his appearance at the studio indicates that he has recovered enough to take part. It is worth noting that Burgum met the RNC's criteria for participation by surpassing 40,000 unique donors. On the debate stage, he will be positioned at the podium farthest to the right among the eight candidates.

According to FiveThirtyEight, Burgum currently has an average favorability rating of 0.4% in national polls as of Wednesday. In comparison, former President Donald Trump remains the frontrunner among potential Republican primary voters with 52.1% support, according to the RealClearPolitics average of 55.4%.

Trump had previously announced on his Truth Social post on August 20 that he would not be participating in the debate. He emphasized his successful presidency, highlighting achievements such as energy independence, strong borders, military strength, significant tax and regulation cuts, low inflation, and a robust economy. With these accomplishments in mind, Trump made it clear that he would not be partaking in the debates.

In conclusion, despite suffering a leg injury, Doug Burgum is expected to participate in the RNC debate. While he may not have the same level of support as Donald Trump, Burgum has met the criteria for participation and will have an opportunity to share his perspectives and ideas with the audience. It will be interesting to see how he performs alongside the other candidates on the debate stage.

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