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Republican debate: Tim Scott on the correlation between capitalist expansion and the decline of carbon emissions

"Tim Scott debunks climate change hoax, highlights America's carbon emission reduction and criticizes China and Africa's increasing emissions."

In the recent Republican presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy dismissed the concept of anthropogenic climate change as a hoax, accusing his fellow competitors of being influenced by external interests. However, Tim Scott took a different approach to the issue.

During the debate, the South Carolina senator highlighted that America has successfully reduced its carbon footprint by 50% over the past 25 years. He pointed out that the areas where carbon emissions are on the rise are China and Africa.

In a span of just two decades, from the year 2000 to 2020, American carbon emissions experienced a significant decline of 26%, even as the country's economy grew by an impressive 150%. Tim Scott, who is gaining ground on front-runners like former President Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) in key primary states, accurately highlighted the contrasting trends in China and Africa. China's carbon emissions have tripled since the turn of the century, while Africa has seen a 53% increase.

Rather than succumbing to the misconceptions promoted by the anti-growth agenda of the Green New Deal, Scott emphasized the divergent paths taken by the Western countries and the rest of the world. While autocratic regimes with command economies, known for their disregard of human rights, and their allies have witnessed a significant surge in annual carbon emissions, the American economy has expanded while simultaneously reducing its carbon footprint.

Contrary to the beliefs underlying the Green New Deal, it is not capitalism that is responsible for the global climate crisis. On the contrary, free markets and the resulting technological advancements are the very solutions needed to effectively combat climate change.

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