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House Republican Steve Scalise diagnosed with blood cancer, undergoing treatment

Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2-ranking House Republican, has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma but will continue to serve.

In a recent announcement, Representative Steve Scalise, the second-ranking House Republican, revealed that he has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer. Despite this diagnosis, Scalise assured the public that he will continue to serve in the House. He expressed optimism about his prognosis, describing the cancer as "very treatable" and emphasizing that it was detected early.

Scalise's journey with health challenges began in 2017 when he was wounded in a shooting incident on a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia. Sustaining a gunshot wound to the hip, he faced extensive hospitalizations, multiple surgeries, and a grueling rehabilitation process. Now, faced with a new battle against cancer, Scalise shared that he had been feeling unwell in the past week, prompting him to undergo blood tests. These tests revealed irregularities, leading to further screenings and ultimately the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.

In his statement, Scalise expressed his determination to continue working through his treatment, fully intending to return to Washington and fulfill his duties as Majority Leader while representing Louisiana's First Congressional District. He expressed gratitude for the early detection of his cancer and the subsequent treatment options available to him. Scalise's unwavering spirit was evident as he declared that he would confront this challenge with the same strength and energy he has demonstrated in the face of past obstacles.

Upon hearing the news, Scalise's colleagues in the House and members of Louisiana's congressional delegation rallied around him, offering their support and encouragement. Many recalled his resilience and determination following the 2017 shooting, expressing confidence that he will once again inspire others with his faith, family support, and internal strength as he battles this illness. Senator Bill Cassidy, a fellow Republican from Louisiana, summed up the sentiments of many by stating, "The same faith, family support, and internal strength that made Steve such an inspiration to others after he was shot will bring him through this illness and once more inspire us all."

In conclusion, Representative Steve Scalise's recent diagnosis of multiple myeloma has brought forth a new challenge in his life. However, his determination to continue serving in the House and his optimistic outlook on the treatability of his cancer demonstrate his unwavering commitment to his constituents. With the support of his medical team, colleagues, and loved ones, Scalise is prepared to confront this battle head-on, drawing strength from his past triumphs. As he embarks on this journey, he serves as an inspiration to others, reminding us all of the power of resilience and the importance of unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

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