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One Piece Live-action release outspends Game Of Thrones budget

The One Piece live-action series has a per-episode budget of $17.27 million, surpassing Game of Thrones' $14.79 million budget. Fans are praising the show's animation and potential for success.

The release of the One Piece Live action series has sparked a flurry of discussions among fans. One particular topic of interest is the cost of producing each episode and how it compares to the renowned Game of Thrones. Fans wasted no time in drawing comparisons between the two shows, given Game of Thrones' reputation for being one of the most expensive television series of its time. Let's delve into the actual figures behind the production costs of a single episode of One Piece Live action.

According to reports from Netflixwoche, the official German Netflix website, the per-episode budget for the One Piece live-action series is an astounding USD 17.27 million. This figure surpasses even the extravagant budget of Game of Thrones, which reached a peak of USD 14.79 million per episode. The decision to allocate such a substantial amount of money to the production of the One Piece adaptation clearly demonstrates the studio's dedication to its fanbase. Netflix recognizes the potential of One Piece, with its captivating storytelling and stunning visuals, as a valuable asset that could propel the streaming platform to new heights.

It is worth noting that Netflix has previously ventured into the realm of live-action adaptations with films such as Cowboy Bebop and Death Note. However, these adaptations failed to win over fans and were met with disappointment. Therefore, the success of the One Piece live-action series is of utmost importance for the streaming giant.

As the episodes of One Piece streamed, viewers began to express their admiration for various aspects of the show, including the acting, visual effects, and plot. Positive reviews started pouring in, suggesting that Netflix's adaptation might finally break the curse of anime-to-live-action transitions. Megan Peters from describes it as "good good," while Daniel Dockery from Crunchyroll believes it is simply "good." Mo Hoosen from The Streamr hails it as "the real deal" and potentially the "king of the Netflix shows." On Twitter, user @WildeePatrol praises the show's expansive scope and talented cast. Evan Valentine from highlights that this adaptation is distinct from previous ones, stating, "This is NOT Cowboy Bebop." These positive reviews bode well for the future of the acclaimed series on Netflix, potentially attracting new viewers and paving the way for a successful second season.

In conclusion, the One Piece Live action series has garnered attention not only for its captivating animation but also for the staggering cost of producing each episode. With a budget surpassing that of Game of Thrones, Netflix is clearly invested in delivering a high-quality adaptation that will satisfy fans and elevate its own reputation. The positive reception from viewers and critics alike indicates that this adaptation might finally break the curse of failed anime-to-live-action transitions. Only time will tell if the One Piece live-action series will become a true gem in Netflix's crown.

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