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Kristin Chenoweth weds Josh Bryant in double pink dress surprise

Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth got married in Dallas, Texas, wearing two non-traditional wedding dresses and Nike sneakers.

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In a surprising twist, Kristin Chenoweth, the 55-year-old Broadway star, chose a non-traditional path when it came to her wedding attire. On September 2nd, she married 41-year-old Josh Bryant in a ceremony held in Dallas, Texas. Surrounded by 140 guests, the couple exchanged vows and celebrated their love. Chenoweth, who had always considered herself a bachelorette, expressed her unexpected joy at finding love with Bryant.

"I have been a self-proclaimed bachelorette my whole life," she shared with People. "I was never going to get married. I even got engaged before and couldn't do it. Until I met Josh. Then I was like, 'Why would I ever let this guy go?' I'm so blessed."

Chenoweth's independent spirit influenced her choice of wedding gown. Instead of the traditional white dress, she opted for two unique dresses. The first was a strapless design by Pamella Roland, adorned with pearl flowers and a striking bow at the back. Underneath the skirt, Chenoweth wore a sheer Chanel slip. She described her choice as "simple and elegant," reflecting her non-traditional approach to marriage.

"I never thought I'd get married, so I went very non-traditional with the gown," Chenoweth explained. "I love it. I didn't want to wear white."

For the wedding celebration, Chenoweth changed into another Pamella Roland creation. This time, she chose a shorter dress with a bow detail on the neckline. In a departure from convention, she traded her heels for a comfortable pair of Nike sneakers. The singer's outfit mirrored the venue's decor, which featured pale pink and peach accents. Bryant, on the other hand, wore a gray suit with a flower lapel.

Bryant admitted that he had a feeling the wedding would have a pink theme, without even needing to ask Chenoweth. The couple's love story began in 2016, when they first met at Chenoweth's niece's wedding. Bryant's band, Backroad Anthem, performed during the reception. Two years later, they crossed paths again at Chenoweth's nephew's wedding, where Bryant's band once again took the stage. It was during this time that their romance blossomed. Despite initial concerns about their 14-year age gap, Chenoweth and Bryant have found happiness in each other's arms.

"Josh is 14 years younger than me, and I thought that was ridiculous," Chenoweth admitted. "I'm never going to do that in my life, ever. But he's made me feel very confident and beautiful and loved at any age."

Bryant, too, had nothing but praise for his new wife. He spoke of her kind heart and unwavering care for others, qualities that made it easy for him to fall in love with the Tony award-winning actress.

"Kristin has so many amazing qualities that I love and I could just go on and on," he gushed.

In conclusion, Kristin Chenoweth's wedding was a celebration of love and individuality. From her unconventional gown choices to her comfortable footwear, she stayed true to herself and created a wedding that reflected her unique style. With Josh Bryant by her side, Chenoweth has found happiness and love, proving that sometimes, the unexpected path leads to the greatest joy.

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