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'AGT Heidi Klum, 50, Reveals Stunning Figure in Skintight Blue Dress on Show'

Heidi Klum flaunts fit figure in skintight blue dress with no bra on set of America's Got Talent.

Heidi Klum recently turned heads on the set of America's Got Talent as she confidently showcased her enviable physique in a form-fitting blue dress. The sleeveless number accentuated her toned arms and figure, while she complemented the look with silver rings and her flowing blond locks. Alongside her was Sofia, who looked stunning in an orange strapless dress and loose curls.

In one photo, Heidi stood solo in front of the camera, capturing a moment of poise amidst the bustling theater behind her. She shared the post with the caption "@agt is about to start" and a blue heart emoji. Shortly after, the Victoria's Secret Angel treated her followers to a video of her confidently strutting on stage, flirting with the camera. The clip perfectly showcased her sexy ensemble, which highlighted her bare legs. Accompanied by Beyonce's empowering track "I'm That Girl," Heidi captioned the video with three blue heart emojis and the hashtag "AGT."

Heidi is renowned for her jaw-dropping outfits on the show, and this occasion was no exception. However, she made sure to give a shoutout to her co-star, Terry Crews, in her caption, showing her appreciation. The row of pink and green hearts she added reflected the color scheme of the trio in the photos.

While Heidi has been dazzling on the AGT set, she has also been busy at home with two new furry additions to her family. Last week, she surprised her husband, Tom Kaulitz, with two adorable puppies for his birthday. In an Instagram post, Tom can be seen sitting beside his new companions, ensuring they stay close by. Heidi playfully mentioned in her caption that she got the dogs despite Tom not being fully prepared for the responsibility.

This heartwarming gesture comes after the couple experienced the loss of their beloved dogs, Capper and Anton. Capper, a 15-year-old German shorthaired pointer, and Anton, a four-year-old Irish wolfhound, held a special place in their hearts. With the arrival of the new furry friends, Heidi's blended family now includes her four children: Leni, Henry, Johan, and Lou, from previous relationships.

Heidi Klum continues to captivate audiences with her stunning fashion choices on America's Got Talent. Beyond the glitz and glamour, she remains a loving wife and mother, embracing new additions to her family with open arms.

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