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New York City Considers Reparations Task Force, Removing Statues of Slavery-Linked Historical Figures

New York City Council discusses legislation that could lead to the removal of statues and the creation of a reparations task force.

The New York City Council's Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries, and International Intergroup Relations held a meeting on Tuesday to discuss proposed legislation that could result in the removal of statues of significant historical figures and the establishment of a reparations task force.

One of the bills under consideration would mandate the removal of artwork depicting individuals with ties to slavery or those who have been involved in "systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity" if the artwork is located on public land. This means that statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, both of whom were slave owners, could potentially be removed from New York City if the legislation is passed. Councilman Chi Ossé, who introduced himself by stating his pronouns, argued that this bill would help to "share the true stories of the entire BIPOC community." Councilwoman Sandy Nurse also defended the legislation, emphasizing that it is not an attempt to erase history but rather an act of remembrance and truth.

This would not be the first instance of historical iconoclasm in New York City. In 2022, the city spent $2 million to remove a statue of Theodore Roosevelt from its location in front of the American Museum of Natural History following demands from activists.

During the committee meeting, Sreoshy Banerjea, the Executive Director of the New York City Public Design Commission, expressed support for the council's efforts but noted that her office would require additional staff and resources to handle the potential removal of numerous statues. Banerjea also mentioned that instead of removing a statue, the proposed policy allows for the installation of an explanatory plaque next to it.

In addition to the potential cost of removing monuments, the council is also considering the formation of a task force to conduct research for a reparations program. In San Francisco, a similar task force suggested that every black person in the city should be compensated with $5 million. These proposals could prove to be expensive at a time when New York City is already facing financial strain due to an ongoing migrant crisis. Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, estimated that the crisis could cost the city $12 billion over a span of three years, a figure that exceeds the city's financial capabilities.

At the time of writing, Councilwoman Sandy Nurse and Councilman Chi Ossé had not responded to the Daily Caller News Foundation's request for comment.

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