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"Dancing with the Stars postponement possible due to writers' strike"

The season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' may be postponed due to pressure from the ongoing writers' strike.

The highly anticipated season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' may face a potential postponement due to the ongoing writers' strike. ABC, the network that airs the hit TV show, is making preparations to delay the airing of the premiere episode in response to the "rising pressure that the talent is receiving."

According to a source from 'Entertainment Tonight,' the decision to postpone the show stems from concerns over the well-being of the over 500 people employed for the production. While the talent is allowed to work on the show under the SAG Network Code agreement, the increasing pressure they are facing has prompted ABC to take action.

It is worth noting that 'Dancing with the Stars' continued production during the writers' strike in 2007-08. However, this time around, the show, hosted by Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro, is facing mounting pressure to pause production.

Cheryl Burke, a former professional dancer on the show who left in 2022, recently suggested that 'Dancing with the Stars' could be postponed due to the ongoing strike. Emphasizing the importance of solidarity, Burke highlighted that individual shows making decisions in isolation would not lead to significant changes. Drawing a parallel to the cast of 'Friends' who successfully negotiated for higher pay by sticking together, she stressed the need for unity in order to bring about meaningful change.

Burke further expressed her understanding of the business aspect but emphasized that the show cannot thrive without considering the well-being and interests of everyone involved. Failing to stand together would set a precedent that could have negative consequences for the show in the long run.

In summary, the future of the 'Dancing with the Stars' season premiere hangs in the balance as ABC contemplates postponing the episode amidst the ongoing writers' strike. The decision reflects concerns over the pressure faced by the talent and the need for solidarity in order to effect meaningful change. The show's history during the previous writers' strike and the importance of considering the wider implications are key factors being taken into account.

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