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"NRL 2023: Dally M Try of the Year Contenders - Dominic Young, Knights, Mat Feagai, Dragons, and Sunia Turuva, Panthers - Videos, Highlights, and Nominations"

Three wingers, Dominic Young, Sunia Turuva, and Mat Feagai, are nominated for the Dally M Try of the Year in the NRL.

The contenders for the prestigious Dally M Try of the Year award for 2023 have been revealed, and it's a battle between three talented wingers. Dominic Young of the Knights, Sunia Turuva of the Panthers, and Mat Feagai of the Dragons have all earned nominations for their outstanding try-scoring abilities.

In recent years, we have witnessed a rise in acrobatic wingers producing incredible tries in the NRL. However, the question remains: which try will be crowned the best of the season?

Let's start with Dominic Young's try in Round 27 against the Dragons. It took Young 75 minutes to make his mark on the scoresheet, but when he did, it was truly remarkable. One of his four-pointers stole the show, as he seemed destined to be tackled into touch. However, with his legs pointing upwards and his head close to the ground, Young managed to ground the ball in a jaw-dropping finish. Andrew Voss, the commentator on Fox League, couldn't contain his excitement, describing it as "one of the great put-downs... one of the best ever."

Next, we have Mat Feagai's try, which came in a crucial moment for the Dragons. With only seconds left on the clock and the Roosters leading 22-18, the Dragons pulled off an unthinkable play. Ben Hunt's kick was batted back, finding Tyrell Sloan, who then delivered a pinpoint kick that bounced perfectly into the path of Feagai. The try was a testament to the unpredictable nature of rugby league, leaving Andrew Voss in awe, exclaiming, "Who writes these scripts? Rugby league, you beautiful thing."

Finally, Sunia Turuva's try for the Panthers against the Raiders showcased the team's exceptional ball movement and creativity. The play began with a flick offload from Stephen Crichton, followed by an inside ball attempt from Moses Leota to Dylan Edwards. Jarome Luai then popped the ball up off the ground, and Isaah Yeo found Turuva, who skillfully grubbered the ball through for the score. Andrew Voss couldn't help but comment on the incredible build-up, stating, "29 passes before someone decided, 'hey, maybe we kick it'."

These three tries represent the epitome of skill, athleticism, and innovation in the NRL. Each winger showcased their unique abilities and contributed to the excitement and entertainment of the game. As we eagerly await the announcement of the Dally M Try of the Year winner, it's clear that the competition is fierce, and any of these tries would be deserving of the title.

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