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Gerry Turner Almost Spoiled His Golden Bachelor Outcome In A Hilarious Way

Gerry Turner, the first Golden Bachelor, accidentally spoiled secrets from his season by making a comment on the pickleball court.

A Bachelor or Bachelorette season is never complete without the lead accidentally revealing something about their journey. However, the first Golden Bachelor, Gerry Turner, has proven to be blissfully unaware of the dangers of social media and what it means to trend. Surprisingly, he slips up on the pickleball court.

Gerry confides in Bustle that he trusts his pickleball friends "at the highest level." Nevertheless, he never intended to let any secrets slip from his season, which is set to premiere on ABC on September 28th. He recalls making a random comment one day after the taping was over, only to have one of the players approach him a couple of days later. They said, "Gerry, you said this, and that helps me narrow it down to two or three people." Gerry was taken aback and realized the importance of not saying anything that could potentially reveal too much.

Fortunately, Gerry is surrounded by people who have his back. He and his late wife, Toni, raised two daughters, Angie and Jenny, and later welcomed two grandchildren, Charlee and Payton. Gerry's family also includes his dog, Dakota (Cody for short), who even made an appearance in Gerry's Golden Bachelor photo shoot. While Gerry is willing to find a solution if his potential partner is allergic to dogs, he admits that he questions the authenticity of someone who simply doesn't like dogs. After all, who doesn't like dogs?

In the following interview, Gerry opens up about surprises during filming and shares his thoughts on the possibility of a Golden Bachelorette.

During the Men Tell All episode, many of the guys didn't want to give Gerry advice because they saw him as the relationship expert. However, Jesse Palmer and Trista Sutter did offer some valuable tips. Jesse advised Gerry to pick his battles and decide where he wanted to stand his ground. Trista, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of finding a woman he couldn't live without. These pieces of advice became Gerry's guiding principles throughout the process.

When asked about specific battles that come to mind, Gerry mentions that Jesse's advice was particularly relevant to certain dates that he wanted to have. However, the producers knew that these dates were not suitable for the person he wanted to have them with. Gerry quickly learned to trust the judgment of the producers when it came to matching a date activity with one of the women he wanted to spend time with. The producers never explained their rationale explicitly, but Gerry understands now that they wanted to capture genuine and surprised reactions from either him or the women involved.

Since the announcement of The Golden Bachelor, people have been hoping for a Golden Bachelorette as well. Gerry admits that he has no say in the matter but would love to see it happen. He believes that several women from his season would make excellent candidates for The Golden Bachelorette.

Reflecting on his whirlwind experience filming the show, Gerry admits that if he could give himself advice, it would be to fully embrace the process from the very beginning. He realizes now that giving up certain personal privileges is actually a good thing and would advise himself not to fight it. Surrendering to the process from the start would have made his life a lot easier.

When asked about the specific privileges he had to give up, Gerry clarifies that it wasn't as severe as it may sound. It mainly involved following a schedule for meals, sleep, and changing clothes. Someone else was planning his life for him, and Gerry now understands the importance of not making it a stressful experience.

In conclusion, Gerry Turner's journey as the Golden Bachelor has had its fair share of surprises and challenges. However, he has learned valuable lessons along the way and is excited for the future. Whether or not there will be a Golden Bachelorette remains to be seen, but Gerry is hopeful and believes that several women from his season would be perfect for the role. Overall, Gerry has embraced the process and is grateful for the support of his loved ones throughout this whirlwind experience.

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