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Niall Horan Recalls Kim Kardashian's Introduction of Him to North West

A One Direction superfan impressed the coaches on The Voice with her performance, wearing a "Niall" necklace for good luck.

In the premiere episode of season 24 of The Voice, the coaches faced a challenging task when a devoted One Direction fan took the stage. Olivia Minogue wowed the judges with her Blind Audition rendition of Sam Smith's "Lay Me Down," leading to chair turns from Reba McEntire, John Legend, and Niall Horan. John was determined to secure a victory, but his chances seemed slim when Olivia revealed her lucky charm: a "Niall" necklace.

Niall couldn't help but celebrate the success of One Direction merchandise, reminiscing about a funny encounter related to their merchandise. He recalled a backstage moment at an Ariana Grande concert where he met Kim Kardashian and her daughter North. Kim introduced Niall to North as the guy who sings from her toothbrush. Olivia couldn't help but join in on the laughter, confessing that she also owned a One Direction toothbrush. This revelation further diminished John's hope of recruiting Olivia to his team.

Nevertheless, John admired the ingenuity behind the band's merchandise and expressed his respect to Niall. Both Reba and John made compelling arguments for Olivia to take an unexpected route in her journey on The Voice. However, it was clear that Olivia had made her decision and chose to join Team Niall. Perhaps she'll even receive a new toothbrush as part of the deal!

In an interview prior to the season, Niall revealed that he genuinely missed his "TV dad" Blake Shelton, with whom he had formed a unique bond during the previous season. After 23 seasons as the winningest coach on The Voice, Blake decided to leave the show earlier this year.

Niall expressed his fondness for Blake, stating, "Of course I miss Blake. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to be there for his final season. I learned a lot from him and had a great time in the process."

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