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Daniel Radcliffe Remembers Sir Michael Gambon Following Death of Dumbledore Actor

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe pays tribute to Michael Gambon, saying the world became less fun with his passing.

In a heartfelt tribute, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe expressed his sadness over the passing of fellow actor Michael Gambon. The news of Gambon's sudden death at the age of 82 was announced by his family, who revealed that he had passed away after battling pneumonia. Gambon was best known for his portrayal of Albus Dumbledore, the beloved headmaster of Hogwarts, in six of the eight Harry Potter films. He took on the iconic role in 2002 following the death of Richard Harris, who had played Dumbledore in the first two movies.

Radcliffe, who starred alongside Gambon throughout the entire franchise as the titular character, spoke highly of his late co-star. In a statement released by his representative, Radcliffe described Gambon as one of the most talented and effortless actors he had ever worked with. However, it was Gambon's sense of fun and joy in his work that left the biggest impression on Radcliffe. He remembered Gambon as being silly, irreverent, and hilarious, someone who loved his job but was not defined by it.

Radcliffe also praised Gambon's storytelling and joke-telling abilities, noting that he had a knack for blurring the lines between fact and fiction when speaking to journalists. This made him incredibly entertaining to be around during press junkets. Radcliffe specifically mentioned the sixth film in the series, where he spent the most time working closely with Gambon. Despite the challenges of filming in front of a green screen, Gambon made the experience memorable and enjoyable for Radcliffe.

Radcliffe fondly recalled a prank that Gambon and Alan Rickman, who played Severus Snape, played on him during the filming of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." The prank involved a fart machine hidden in Radcliffe's sleeping bag, which caused laughter and amusement on set. Radcliffe shared this memory with co-stars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, who also found the prank hilarious.

The loss of Michael Gambon has undoubtedly left a void in the world of entertainment. His portrayal of Dumbledore will forever be remembered, and his impact on those who had the privilege of working with him, like Daniel Radcliffe, is immeasurable. Gambon's talent, humor, and passion for his craft will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for years to come.

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