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Plane lost power before crash that killed Russ Francis in Lake Placid, says investigator

Former NFL player Russ Francis and another man were killed in a small plane crash in New York. The crash occurred after the plane's engine lost power.

On Sunday afternoon, tragedy struck at the Lake Placid Airport in the Adirondack Mountains when a small plane crash claimed the lives of former NFL tight end Russ Francis and Richard McSpadden. The crash occurred shortly after takeoff, when the plane's engine seemingly lost power. The single-engine Cessna 177, with Francis and McSpadden aboard, attempted to turn back and land but ultimately hit a berm at the end of the runway, plunging 30 feet into a ravine.

According to National Transportation Safety Board investigator Todd Gunther, multiple witnesses reported that the pilots had radioed in to inform the airport of their problem and their intention to return. The incident took place during a planned scenic photoshoot involving two planes. The photographer's plane took off first, followed by the ill-fated Cessna.

Russ Francis, a former Patriots first-round draft pick in 1975, had a successful career in the NFL. He played for the New England Patriots until 1980, earning three consecutive Pro Bowl selections from 1977 to 1979. In 1982, he joined the San Francisco 49ers and was part of the team that emerged victorious in the 1984 Super Bowl against the Miami Dolphins. Francis returned to New England in 1987 and retired the following year.

Aside from his football career, Francis was also an experienced pilot and served as the president of Lake Placid Airways, a company that specializes in charter and scenic flights. The investigation into the crash will continue until Friday, with the investigative team gathering information for a preliminary report. This report will be followed by a final factual report, which will include analysis and a probable cause for the tragic crash.

The loss of Russ Francis and Richard McSpadden has undoubtedly left a void in the Lake Placid community and the wider NFL community. Their contributions both on and off the field will be remembered, and their tragic accident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in aviation. As the investigation unfolds, it is hoped that answers will be found to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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