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Sufjan Stevens Comes Out - Dedicates New Album

Sufjan Stevens surprises fans by coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community in a tribute to his late partner.

Sufjan Stevens, the acclaimed indie rock artist, has finally addressed the long-standing question about his sexuality. Known for his openness and honesty in his music, Stevens has chosen to keep his personal life private, particularly when it comes to his love life. However, with the release of his new album Javelin, he has made a surprising and touching revelation.

Taking to Instagram to promote his album, Stevens shared a post that went beyond the mere announcement of new music. Instead of the album cover or a picture of himself, he posted an image of a man who was unfamiliar to his fans. It was through the caption that the significance of the upload became clear.

Starting the caption with gratitude for his listeners and a simple declaration of love, Stevens then delved into a darker and heart-wrenching revelation. He dedicated the album to his late partner, Evans Richardson, who passed away in April. This announcement not only confirmed Stevens' membership in the LGBTQ community but also shed light on the profound loss he has experienced. Richardson was described as a remarkable individual, radiating life, love, laughter, curiosity, integrity, and joy. The man in the picture was portrayed as a rare and extraordinary soul, someone cherished, flawless, and truly exceptional.

Stevens continued his post with a heartfelt reflection on the complexities and joys of love. He acknowledged the challenges that come with relationships but emphasized their worth and the importance of caring for those we love, especially when they possess such beauty and rarity. Stevens urged his followers to cherish and nurture such love, to hold it close and give it their all, particularly during difficult times. He highlighted the virtues of kindness, strength, patience, forgiveness, vigor, wisdom, and authenticity. He encouraged living each day with fullness, grace, reverence, gratitude, and joy, reminding his audience to embrace the present moment.

Reports suggest that Richardson accompanied Stevens to the Academy Awards, where the musician was nominated for his song "Mystery of Love" from the film Call Me By Your Name. Although they were seen together and those close to them were aware of their love, the couple kept their relationship hidden from the public eye.

In conclusion, Sufjan Stevens has made a significant and personal revelation about his sexuality and the loss of his beloved partner. Through a heartfelt Instagram post, he has shared his grief and offered wisdom on love and life. This revelation adds another layer of depth to his music and allows his fans to better understand and connect with him on a personal level.

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