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'Miami Hurricanes' brutal last-second defeat to Georgia Tech shatters perfect season | Opinion'

Miami Hurricanes suffer a shocking loss to Georgia Tech, raising doubts about their potential and future success.

The Miami Hurricanes suffered a devastating loss in their ACC opener against Georgia Tech, dropping them from their unbeaten record and likely from the Top 25 rankings. The game ended with a last-second 44-yard touchdown pass by Georgia Tech after Miami fumbled while attempting to run out the clock. Coach Mario Cristobal admitted that they should have taken a knee instead of running the ball. This decision will be remembered as a major mistake.

Even if Miami had won and improved to 5-0, it would have meant little in terms of their overall performance. Now, they need to prove themselves even more. The next two games will be crucial in defining Year 2 of the Cristobal era and determining the direction and optimism surrounding the team. The loss on Saturday shook the confidence and expectations of the team.

Saturday's game was a significant regression for Miami. They did not play up to their usual standard and Cristobal acknowledged that they did not coach well either. The team appeared overconfident and undeserving of their favored status in front of a disinterested crowd. The first half was marked by offensive ineptitude, and it wasn't until the third quarter that Miami finally scored a touchdown. However, Tyler Van Dyke threw three interceptions throughout the game, highlighting the lack of synchronization within the team.

With a record of 4-1, Miami has had a solid win against Texas A&M but has also faced three easy opponents. The loss to Georgia Tech was a stunning defeat that revealed the team's lackluster performance. The game was expected to be an easy win, but it turned into a challenging and anxiety-inducing night for Miami. The defense performed well, despite Van Dyke's interceptions, but the offense struggled. Miami now faces tough upcoming games against North Carolina, Clemson, and Florida State.

In the new ACC, where there are no longer divisions and the top two teams meet in the conference championship game, it is crucial for Miami to perform well in their conference games. Winning the ACC and playing for the league title should be the starting point for the team if they have aspirations of competing for a national championship. The next two weeks will be crucial for Miami to prove themselves and erase the memory of their devastating loss to Georgia Tech. The pressure is on for Cristobal and his team to show that they are a special and talented group.

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