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Arnold Schwarzenegger: Strict Dad Jokes Grandkids Can Do Anything

Arnold Schwarzenegger opens up about being a less strict grandfather, leaving discipline to his daughter and son-in-law.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former California governor, has recently become a proud grandfather to two grandchildren through his daughter Katherine and her husband Chris Pratt. During a discussion on the show "The View," co-host Sunny Hostin brought up Arnold's reputation as a strict father and asked if he planned to be the same way with his grandkids. Arnold responded by saying that he no longer has to be as strict and can now enjoy playing with his grandchildren.

Arnold went on to share that his granddaughters love playing with his pets when they visit, and he even lets them have cookies. He leaves the discipline and hard stuff to Katherine and Chris, jokingly saying that they can handle the headache of enforcing rules and doing what needs to be done.

In a lighthearted moment, Arnold recounted a funny story about how he used to threaten to throw his daughter's shoes into the fireplace if she left them by the fire. One day, he actually followed through with his threat, and although Katherine was sad to see her shoes burned, she never left them there again. However, Arnold made it clear that he is not like that with his grandchildren. He allows them to have fun and do whatever they want when they visit.

While Arnold leaves the discipline duties to Chris and Katherine, he had nothing but praise for them as parents. He commended Chris for being a strict and devoted father, and he spoke highly of his daughter, mentioning that she follows the same parenting rules that his ex-wife, Maria Shriver, used. Arnold emphasized that Maria has always been a fantastic mother and continues to be one.

Overall, Arnold Schwarzenegger is enjoying his role as a grandfather and cherishes the time he gets to spend with his grandchildren. He is grateful that he no longer has to be as strict and can simply have a great time with them. He trusts his daughter and son-in-law to handle the discipline and admires them for being wonderful parents.

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