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North Vancouver Connor Bedard to make NHL debut against hockey idol Sidney Crosby

Connor Bedard, an 18-year-old hockey player, will make his NHL debut against his idol, Sidney Crosby, in Chicago's season opener.

On Tuesday evening, Connor Bedard, a talented young hockey player from North Vancouver, will have a career-defining moment as he steps onto the ice for his first-ever game in the National Hockey League. The game will be the season opener for the Chicago Blackhawks, and Bedard will have the incredible opportunity to play against his childhood idol, Sidney Crosby.

This matchup between Bedard and Crosby is being hyped up by the NHL, with articles and promotional videos highlighting the significance of the event. Bedard, who is only 18 years old, has already garnered a lot of attention due to his impressive performance in junior hockey and being selected as the Number 1 pick in this year's NHL draft.

Crosby, who himself became a hockey legend after winning three Stanley Cup championships, recognizes the potential in Bedard. In a video discussing the opening night matchup, Crosby acknowledges the expectations that come with being a highly-touted young player and compares Bedard's anticipation to that of other stars like Connor McDavid.

Both Bedard and Crosby understand the significance of a player's first NHL game. Crosby recalls his own debut in 2005, where he assisted in the first goal of the season for the Pittsburgh Penguins. He emphasizes that everyone remembers their first game and understands the excitement and nerves that come with it.

Despite his admiration for Crosby, Bedard is determined not to be star-struck during the game. He plans to treat it like any other hockey game and reflect on the experience later. Bedard knows that as the Number 1 draft pick, he has the challenging task of helping revive a struggling Chicago franchise. However, he has already shown promise in the preseason, not shying away from making plays and even scoring a goal.

The puck will drop for Bedard's NHL debut in Pittsburgh at 5 p.m. PT. It will undoubtedly be a memorable and significant moment in his career, as he takes the first step towards establishing himself as a future star in the league.

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