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Colorado Buffaloes: Travis Hunter's Remarkable Return after Liver Laceration

Travis Hunter returns to the University of Colorado lineup after a lacerated liver injury, scoring a touchdown in his comeback game.

Travis Hunter, a talented player for the University of Colorado, made a triumphant return to the field after recovering from a serious injury. Hunter had been sidelined for nearly a month due to a late hit from a Colorado State defender that resulted in a lacerated liver and a trip to the hospital.

During the game against Stanford, Hunter showcased his versatility by playing on both offense and defense. When the Buffaloes deferred to the second half and Stanford had possession of the ball, Hunter lined up as a defensive back. As he took the field, coach Deion Sanders embraced him, showing support and encouragement. Later in the game, when the Buffaloes had possession, Hunter lined up as a wide receiver and scored a touchdown on a 24-yard catch-and-run. After the touchdown, Hunter dropped to his knees, raised his arms with his palms facing upwards, as if giving thanks in prayer. Unfortunately, this gesture resulted in a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. Nevertheless, Hunter's first career touchdown for Colorado brought the score to 14-0.

Hunter had missed several games against Oregon, USC, and Arizona State due to his injury. Originally, Coach Prime had planned for Hunter to return to the field on October 28th against UCLA, following a bye week for the Buffaloes. However, Hunter received medical clearance to return to practice earlier than expected and impressed the coaching staff enough to earn the starting position against Stanford.

The decision to allow Hunter to play was based on various factors, including his physical condition, performance in practice, and overall readiness. Coach Sanders emphasized the importance of Hunter being in shape and not becoming a liability on the field. He wanted Hunter to continue being a valuable asset to the team.

Prior to his injury, Hunter was a key player for the Buffaloes, playing every snap on offense and defense. His injury occurred during the Rocky Mountain Showdown at Folsom Field when he was hit by a Colorado State defender after the ball had passed over his head. Although he returned to the game initially, he later had to leave to seek medical attention, where he was diagnosed with a lacerated liver.

In the aftermath of the incident, Hunter and Coach Prime publicly condemned the death threats that the defender, Henry Blackburn, received. Hunter expressed that he held no grudge against Blackburn and recognized that hard hits were part of the game. In a display of sportsmanship, Hunter even joined Blackburn at a local bowling alley in Boulder to raise money for charity, demonstrating that there were no hard feelings between them.

Travis Hunter's return to the University of Colorado football team after his injury was a significant moment for both him and the team. His versatility, dedication, and ability to overcome adversity make him a valuable asset to the Buffaloes. As the season progresses, fans can expect to see more impressive performances from Hunter as he continues to make his mark on the field.

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