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Fans slam NBC over Damar Hamlin coverage as Damien Harris' injury brings up old wounds

Buffalo Bills running back Damien Harris suffered a neck injury during a game, but fans are upset with NBC's coverage for bringing up a previous player's near-death experience.

At Highmark Stadium, during a one-yard run with 3:15 left in the second quarter, Buffalo Bills running back Damien Harris found himself motionless. However, there was a glimmer of hope as he gave a thumbs up while being placed on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance.

Unfortunately, this was not an unfamiliar sight for the Bills and their fans. Last season, Damar Hamlin had also experienced a similar situation. Yet, football fans were left perplexed and frustrated by NBC's coverage of Harris' injury, as they reopened old wounds by bringing up Hamlin's past incident.

It was during the medical personnel's attention to Harris that NBC's Sunday Night Football coverage decided to pan the camera on Hamlin, who was visibly distraught over what had happened to his teammate. Fans couldn't comprehend why the network chose to focus more on Hamlin's previous incident rather than providing updates on Harris' condition.

One fan expressed their discontent by stating, "The way everyone has exploited Damar Hamlin over his near-death experience is so damn disgusting and sickening." Another Twitter user echoed this sentiment, urging NBC to show some class and not stick a microphone in Hamlin's face.

The decision to revisit the Damar Hamlin incident while Damien Harris' situation unfolded received widespread criticism. Fans felt that there was no real connection between the two incidents, apart from both players being transported out of the stadium in an ambulance. Ironically, the medical vehicle that carried Harris still displayed Hamlin's jersey.

However, there was a glimmer of hope as Harris gave a thumbs up, providing some relief to Bills fans. In contrast, Hamlin had experienced a disruption in his cardiac rhythm after tackling Tee Higgins in the Bills' Week 17 game against the Cincinnati Bengals last season. If not treated within three minutes, it could have been a fatal situation.

Fortunately, Hamlin made a full recovery and was cleared to play this season. However, the graphic displayed while the camera focused on him indicated that he was inactive for the fifth time this season.

An update on Damien Harris' injury was provided by the Bills' Public Relations department, stating that he had suffered a neck injury and was ruled out for the game. The tweet also mentioned that Harris had movement in his arms and legs and was being taken to the hospital for further testing.

Harris, who had previously spent four seasons with the New England Patriots, joined the Bills this year on a one-year, $1.7 million contract. Prior to his injury, he had showcased his skills with 23 carries for 94 yards and a touchdown for Buffalo.

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