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Israeli forces bomb hospital in Gaza: 500+ Palestinians killed

Over 500 Palestinians, including doctors and women and children, have been martyred in the bombing of a hospital in Israel's Gaza. The hospital is still on fire and attacks on hospitals are intolerable. Israel continues its ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, with no safe place for civilians to escape. Egypt has closed the Rafah Crossing, leaving hundreds of Palestinians trapped without humanitarian aid. So far, over 3,000 Palestinians, including over a thousand women and children, have been martyred in Israel's attacks on Gaza.

In a devastating turn of events, a hospital in Israel's Gaza has been targeted in a bombing, resulting in the tragic loss of over 500 Palestinian lives. The Health Department has reported a significant number of displaced civilians within the hospital, raising concerns that the casualty count may be even higher.

The bombing not only claimed the lives of patients but also doctors and staff who were working tirelessly to save lives. Among the victims are women and children, further deepening the sorrow and outrage felt by the Palestinian community. The hospital continues to be engulfed in flames even after the Israeli attacks, highlighting the intolerable nature of targeting healthcare facilities.

Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, located in northern Gaza, condemns these hospital bombings as war crimes. He emphasizes the desperate efforts made by medical professionals to save wounded children and pregnant mothers amidst Israel's ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. Disturbing reports of atrocities committed against Palestinians have surfaced, shedding light on the dire situation in Gaza.

Tragically, even when Palestinian civilians heeded Israel's warnings and sought refuge in southern Gaza, they were met with the same fate as those they were trying to escape. The airstrikes claimed their lives, revealing that there is no safe haven for Palestinians to shield themselves from Israeli bombings.

Israel, undeterred, has issued threats of further offensives on Gaza, declaring all armed forces in the region as potential targets in the next phase of the conflict. The uncertainty surrounding the situation only amplifies the fear and anguish experienced by the Palestinian population.

Compounding the crisis, Egypt has closed the Rafah Crossing after the blockade of Gaza, leaving hundreds of Palestinians trapped without access to humanitarian aid. This dire situation further exacerbates the suffering endured by the Palestinian people.

In the relentless attacks on Gaza by Israel, the death toll has now surpassed 3,000 Palestinians, including over a thousand women and children. This staggering loss of life highlights the urgent need for international intervention and the cessation of violence against innocent civilians.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza continues to inflict immeasurable pain and suffering on the Palestinian population. It is crucial for the international community to step forward and take decisive action to bring an end to this devastating cycle of violence and ensure the protection and well-being of all civilians caught in the crossfire.

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